My name is Gail Fitch, and I've been gathering, recording, and reconstructing the history of Hartland models for over 25 years. I'm a horse lover, and have belonged to the model horse collecting community since 1975, when it depended almost entirely on print publications.
When I began Hartland research in 1980, little had been written on the subject. Since the 1950s - 1960s company literature set forth only a partial record of the models that had been made, there was a need to fill the gaps and organize and make sense of it all. Fresh from my first jobs in research, writing, and preparing publications, I thrilled to apply that experience to my hobby--model horses--and fill the information gap on Hartland models. I loved all brands of model horses, but the need for Hartland information was the greatest, and I guess I like a challenge.
Begun in 1980, my first Hartland book was 72 pages and included over 100 color photos. It came out in 1983. Between then and 1998, I self-published an avalanche of books and newsletters on Hartland, always in color, and always on a nonprofit basis, along with writing articles for magazines. It's always been a labor of love. Many collectors contributed photos or information, and I located and extensively interviewed many Hartland personnel, some of whom began in the 1940s, to get the authentic Hartland story. In 1998, I was happy to finally get a publisher. I spent five out of the six years from 1995-2000 working full-time on Hartland publications. I take it seriously!
The publisher should take a bow for my latest two books, Hartland Horsemen (1999) and Hartland Horses and Dogs (2000). These beautiful books featuring the best color printing in the world are still nonprofit for me (because of the thousands of dollars I spent on the well over 150 rolls of photography I did myself), but you can help me recover my expenses if you buy them from me, rather than from a distributor. Please reward the author!
Only those who have bought one or both books from me will be eligible to purchase upcoming, limited-edition publications that will not be sold through stores. I hope you enjoy my Hartland books; I immensely enjoy writing them.
In June of 2004, I received an award for some volunteer effort. Click the link to go to the City of Milwaukee web page with a description and a picture of me taken at one of my favorite places. When you get there, scroll down more than a whole page worth, to near the bottom. You can't miss my picture and the headline with my name in it.
— Added February 1, 2006 and City address updated 10-27-08 and 8-15-10.