News 2008-2020
Signature and Numbering Adds Value to Books
Author Reveals Quantities Sold
Over the years, I’ve authored five different titles of Harland books. Two of them were self-published. I also published an all-Hartland newsletter. People sometimes ask how many copies there were. The answer is that I published a total of 447 Hartland books between 1983 and 1998. The newsletter had 155 subscribers. Details follow.
“Copy #312 – Gail Fitch.” An author signature and book numbering add a personal touch, and may also increase the value of a book; especially, if it’s a limited edition. Here’s a history of how my Hartland books have been signed and numbered. The self-published books can be recognized by their plastic comb bindings.
Hartland Horses and Riders is the first book I self-published. It was in print from 1983-1996. It included all Hartland horses, plus riders and company history and artistry. It went through 18 printings.
The first print run, in February 1983, was not signed and numbered, but a few months later, I mailed most of the buyers a signed and numbered label with directions on where to place it in the book. In the 17 printings after that, I signed and numbered all copies.
Each print run changed the contents at least a little from the one before it; when changes were big, I counted it as a new edition. The 1st through 3rd editions, printed in 1983-1989, were copy numbers 1 through 142. The 4th edition was so much larger that I bound it in two volumes. Since it was almost a different book, I restarted the numbering. So, in the 4th through 6th editions, printed in 1991-1995, each book was numbered with two digits for the year it was sold, a dash, and the copy number. The numbering started at 91-1, and ended at 96-175.
Hartland Market newsletter. The 18 issues of Hartland Market that I published monthly in December 1994-May 1996 were not signed or numbered, but are part of the story. The newsletter – three-hole punched so it could be put in a binder – included news from the then-Hartland company, history from my ongoing research, results of surveys on model variations, and ads. One issue had a multi-page ad that illustrated a Hartland rider-set collection to be auctioned by phone. Afterward, the auction holder told me that he ran a similar ad in Toy Shop, a magazine sold on newsstands, but half of his bidders came from Hartland Market. Feature articles tackled Hartland myths, and collectors would call me to talk about the surprising facts. The newsletter acted as a book update, consumer advocate, and liaison with Hartland while the company was in flux. It helped create a better-informed collecting community.
(I loved publishing it, but it left me with little time for anything else, including book work. Reluctantly, I quit. I had sold the subscriptions in six-month blocks that all started and ended at the same time. The 155 subscribers received all of the issues they paid for, but I was sorry to disappoint them by not continuing.)
The 1998 Book. In 1998, I self-published my second Hartland book, Hartland Models, Volume 1: Hartland Horsemen & Gunfighters. After the heightened interaction from the newsletter, I decided to “reward” people with the numbering of the 1998 book. For the 76 advance orders, I gave lower numbers to people who had contributed photos or whom I knew or liked from their participation in my newsletter surveys, from phone calls, or from other hobby connections. The first person to pre-pay was someone I did not know; they received copy #48. The 76th person to pre-pay got copy #7. If that is not quite fair, I apologize. For the 77th through 130th buyers, I went back to numbering in the order of payment received.
The 1998 book was only an introduction to the horse-and-rider series because it was intended as the first in a series. Like the first book, it had a plastic comb binding. A few months later, after seeing it, a publisher was finally interested in Hartland, and the next books would be paperbound, with improved contents.
Totals. Between 1983 and 1996, I printed and sold 317 copies of Hartland Horses and Riders: 142 in the 1st - 3rd editions, and 175 in the 4th - 6th editions. With so many pages in color, it was an expensive book, and remarkable that so many sold. The 1998 book, also in color, was a print run of 130. In 18 years – 1983-1998, inclusive – I printed a total of 447 self-published Hartland books. (I collated them by hand, sometimes with the help of my late brother John.) They are now out of print, but remain under the protection of U.S. copyright registration. When they occasionally appear on the secondary market, they sell for more than the new books.
Hartland Books Now. The Hartland books are now published by Schiffer Publishing, providing the highest quality of color printing. Mass production has dropped the cost per copy, and the books are widely available: from Schiffer, from Amazon, from many booksellers, and from me!
They are:
(1) Hartland Horsemen – horse & rider sets
(2) Hartland Horses and Dogs – horses plus Hartland history & artistry
(3) Hartland Horses: New Model Horses Since 2000 – new-century models
If yours is signed and numbered, it came from me. (I also enclose extra pages with additional information.)
I have them in stock, and number them chronologically. (To break ties, priority goes to the earlier postmark, and then to the greater distance traveled.) Your check or electronic payment (by PayPal) are equally welcome. I ship in a sturdy box.
I have personally sold over 600 of Hartland Horsemen, over 400 of Hartland Horses and Dogs, and over 100 of Hartland Horses: New Model Horses Since 2000. Your very own numbered book is waiting for you.
Gail Fitch, July 25, 2020
Email: PayPal =
Gail Fitch
1733 N. Cambridge Ave., #109
Milwaukee, WI 53202
New Book Showcases the Model Horse Hobby
February 11, 2019 -- A new model horse book covering a wide range of brands and hobby activities -- including collecting, creating, showing, and connecting -- was released in January. Exploring the Model Horse Hobby, by Nancy Kelly, includes over 500 color photos, plus historic, black-and-white images along with collecting stories, explanation, and resources for model purchasing, hobby participation, and additional reference. It is available from Fairport Press. (See display ad above.)
Prices Lowered on Hartland Books
February 17, 2019 -- My prices on Hartland books have dropped by about four dollars! Each one is now $26 when ordering with PayPal (at my Catalog page), and $25 when paying by check or money order. For the latter, you can print out my Order Form page and mail it in with your payment! The prices include postage. These prices may not last forever. Take advantage of them now! As usual, all books are signed and numbered. -- Gail Fitch
Plastic Models from 3-D Printer are Fragile
August 5, 2019 -- This year, the new Hartland company
has been making tiny copies of some Hartland horses with a 3-D printer. It cautions that the plastic is very fragile. That's true.
The mini dog and draft horse, above, arrived on June 29. After a month of standing on the shelf, I found that the horse had developed a semi-horizontal crack above the knee on its left foreleg.
It did not arrive that way, so perhaps supporting the model's own weight -- .6 oz -- was enough to cause that fissure. It's possible, though, that the leg could have been weakened during shipping.
The horse had been wrapped in bubble wrap wadded into the shape of a barrel. It evidently exited the "barrel" through the opening because it was rattling around loose in the box when it arrived.
There was little filler in the box, which arrived crushed. The horse is now lucky to be so intact as it is.
Model Horse Events Coming Up in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Kentucky
April 20, 2019 -- The Milwaukee County 4-H and Open Model Horse Show moves to a new location in 2020: Trinity Presbyterian Church on Sherman Blvd. in Milwaukee, Wis. The date is Saturday, January 25, 2020. The Open Fun Show, featuring performance and halter, will use the same class list as the Sr. 4-H division, according to show hostess Char Ehlert.
Before then, Betty Mertes is hosting a NAN show in Fond du Lac in November (2019). Other Wisconsin shows are expected also.
The Stone Horse Country Fair is May 3 and 4 (2019) in Shipshewana, Indiana.
Peter Stone Co. model horses will also be sold in Lexington, Kentucky on July 11-14 (2019), with a model horse show on July 13. For information, see
BreyerFest is July
12-14 in Lexington, Kentucky, with many events held at the Kentucky Horse Park. See
Copperfox Company Closed
Copperfox Model Horses, England, closed in August. Its remaining models are being sold on eBay by ultrachoicemodelhorses, in Pennsylvania.
The owners said at their website,, under “Connect,” that they are open to the company or its molds being purchased.
The four molds are the Welsh Cobb (shown above, in styrene plastic), Connemara Pony, Exmoor Pony, and Irish Sports Horse, all in action poses. Most of the remaining models are the Welsh Cob.
November 17, 2018 -- Article and photo, copyright 2018 Gail Fitch
Know the Facts about Hartland Models...
Detailed eyes and painted hooves were traits of the 2000-2007 Hartland horses (by “Hartland 2000”). Eyes were often tri-color!
Most 11” series (“Regal”) models were $38 then. Taking inflation into account, the price would be about $50 now.
A handful of 2000-2007 11” standing Arabs – slightly beat-up sample-room models -- have been for sale in 2018 by the new Hartland company (“Hartland 18”). One of them, in dapple bay, is “Silver Sultan.” Another was “Bronze King,” a bay pinto. The company has described them as “flood survivors.” Except, the floods were in 1986 and 1993.
The flood story, and 60 years of history and regular horses are in Hartland Horses and Dogs (2001).
Hartland Horses: New Model Horses Since 2000 (published in 2012) includes "Silver Sultan," "Bronze King," and 123 other horses with original prices, suggested values, and advise on rating condition.
Gail Fitch, November 24, 2018
After 10.5 years, there is finally some Hartland “news.”
New Hartland Company Begins Issuing Models
A new Hartland company, Hartland Horse Company, formed this summer in South Dakota. Owner Lisa Perkins said she bought the Hartland molds from Steven Manufacturing Company, Hermann, Missouri, and expects to begin molding on November 10.
The purchase included unpainted bodies, which the new company has been painting as OOAK (one-of-a-kind) models, as tiny runs (about four pieces or fewer), and as the start of regular runs. Models may be ordered at the company website,, which also includes a link to its Facebook page. The OOAK models are mostly pictured at Facebook, and sold by "messaging" offers.
Some unpainted bodies and a handful of imperfect models painted by the previous two Hartland companies have also been available.
In addition to other businesses her family is involved in, Lisa Perkins said she is a Breyer and Trail of Painted Ponies distributor. Besides selling by mail, she plans to offer Hartlands in three souvenir shops she owns. Hartland’s George Washington will fit right in since one of her shops is near Mount Rushmore.
by Gail Fitch, October 28, 2018 and updated on November 1, 2018

"Maverick" (above) is the first regular run from Hartland Horse Company. It became available in September, went off the website in October, then became available again on October 31.
"Appaloosa Hartland" (below) was a run of four similar models. Both the "Appaloosa" and "Maverick" are from the 7" Tennessee Walker stallion mold, which originated in the 1960s.
Mackenzie, Other Rare Riders To Go To Auction on eBay
October 28, 2018 -- Hartland’s hard-to-find Col. Mackenzie will be for sale this week or next on eBay. About 50 more Hartland horse-and-rider sets, including all of the rarest riders and some very rare horses, will be offered on eBay – about six per week -- between now and about January. All are from an estate I’m selling on commission. This collector had 75 different, 9” rider sets from the 1950s-1960s.
My asking prices are about 60% of book value. The book is Hartland Horsemen.
Carousel History on Exhibit in Iowa Until October 21
If you can get to Davenport, Iowa, don’t miss “The Steam Circus: The Colorful World of Carousels.” The exhibit opened May 13 and runs through October 21, 2018, at the German American Heritage Center and Museum.
The theme is, “Explore the German-American contributions to the art, engineering, and amusement of carousels.” Mangels, Dentzel, De Kleist, and Muller: Who noticed that so many big names in carousel creation – from woodcarving to pipe organs to machine patents -- were German immigrants? This German heritage museum did!
The exhibit spans the history of carousels, including their military origins, and the contributions of non-German immigrants as well. Some Dentzel and Looff carousel horses are on display.
Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and Noon to 4 p.m. on Sunday.
Admission is: $5 – adults, $4 -- senior citizens 60 and up, $3 -- children 5-17, and free for members and children under 5. On the second Saturday of the month, college students with ID, and all children, are admitted for free.
The German American Heritage Center is at 712 W. 2nd St., Davenport, Iowa 52802. See
Gail Fitch, July 29, 2018.
Thanks to Sandy Truitt for alerting me to this excellent exhibit.
Photos are by Sandy Truitt.
Estate Sale of "Complete" Horse-and-Rider Collection Begins
On January 22, 2018, I started selling – on eBay -- an estate collection of Hartland horse-and-rider sets. This lady had 67 different Hartland horse-and-rider sets, including all of the “famous” riders and generic (Champ) riders from the 9” series in the 1950s-1960s – some with rare horse variations -- and even a Roy Rogers lamp. There are also extra horses, riders, and accessories; some breed-series Hartland horses; and a few Breyers and other-brand items.
-- Gail Fitch
Horse expo slated for Massachusetts in November
September 9, 2017- - Equine Affaire, Eastern States Exposition is November 9-12 in West Springfield, Massachusetts.
It bills itself as North America's premier equine exposition and equestrian gathering. New for 2017 is an opportunity to "explore equine-related career paths and college opportunities." See
Hartland Lady Jewel and Jade set sells for $305
August 27, 2017
-- A Hartland Lady Jewel and Jade set in black with silver mane and tail sold for $305.89 on eBay on August 27, 2017. Ten bidders placed a total of 23 bids on it. Produced 28 years ago by Paola Groeber's Hartland company, black-with-silver is among the harder-to-find colors of the popular 11" series Arabian mare and foal sculpted by Kathleen Moody.
The eBay seller was thehorseyouwantcalif, who has been selling the Breyer, Hartland, Hagen-Renaker, and other brands of model horses from Black Horse Ranch and two other estates.
The Lady Jewel and Jade models from the 1980s and 1990s are found in Hartland Horses and Dogs. Test sets of LJ & J from "Hartland 2000" are in the latest book, Hartland Horses: New Model Horses Since 2000.
Two April, 2016, shows to include Hartlands
Two model horse shows in California this April will include classes dedicated to Hartland horses.
Jane Morehouse's Fantastic Plastic Classic on April 9, 2016, in San Martin, (northern) California will include four classes double-judged for breed and collectability, and three judged on collectability only. The doubled-judged classes are: Light Breeds, Stock Breeds, Sport & Other Breeds. The collectability-only classes are: Foals, Horse & Rider sets plus advertising items and lamps, and Test/OOAK/Run of 30 or fewer models. A Hartland champion and reserve will also be chosen. See
On April 23-24, Julie Dewyer's So Cal Live 2016 show in Ontario, (southern) California, has five Original Finish Hartland classes slated: one each for Foals, Light/Gaited, Sport, Stock/Grade, and Draft/Pony. The Hartland classes are on April 23. See
-- Gail Fitch, February 21, 2016, with thanks to Mel Teller, who informed me by email.
Happy winners in the Milwaukee County 4-H Model Horse Show in Milwaukee, Wis., on January 30, 2016, posed at the table with their china entries. Second from right is Julie S.; her shy boyfriend is at far left, beyond the pillar; her proud mother, giving two thumbs up, peaks over Julie's shoulder. Her boyfriend carefully carried models to and from the table. He said Julie told him some of the models were worth more than his car. Julie's mother talked about how many horses Julie has, "but it's her money." You open a closet door, and it's full of horses. Things like that. I said, "A lot of people here are like that."
More models are shown below. The champion rosettes were purple, and the reserve champion rosettes, light violet. The horse at far left, below, is a vintage, Beswick Fjord Pony, made in England.
-- Gail Fitch, February 21, 2016
Animal-Themed Business Begins
Laura Pervier of Seatac, Washington, announced this fall that she's begun a new business, Under Kitty Supervision, to sell hand-stamped cards, magnets and tiles, and decorated picture frames, plus gift boxes, tags, bags, and other things she creates using paper and rubber stamps. Animals are her favorite theme. Her products are sold at Contact Laura at
--December 10, 2015
Event Dates Announced
Equine Affaire, Eastern States Exposition, is November 12-15, 2015, in West Springfield, Massachusetts. It features over 150 clinics, seminars, and demonstrations; and "the largest horse-related trade show in the East." For details, see www.equine
The 2016 North American Nationals, the national championship model horse show, will be July 19-21 in Lexington, Kentucky, at the Rupp Arena / Heritage Hall. Models -- plastic, china, or resin; original finish or customized -- qualify by placing first or second at one of the member shows held around the country -- or in Canada -- in the two years prior. For more information, see
-- August 23, 2015
Model Horse Show Includes Hartlands
A Hartland class judged on "collectability" will be held at the Sinawa Model Horse Show on October 24, 2015, at Camp Sinawa in Valders, Wisconsin. The show includes halter and performance classes for Kids 14 & Under and Youth 18 & Under. The Open (adult) division includes 20 halter classes, and any brand of model horse may be entered.
Direct questions to:
Contributed to China, Metal, and Breyer Model Horse Books
Besides writing my own books, I've contributed to the books of others.
Japan chinas -- I sent a few dozen photos to the Made-in-Japan [Horse] Club's reference base book (1996) and supplements compiled by Barri Mayse. In 2007, I submitted photos for the future edition. The book work was on hold, but may resume soon.
Metal horses -- I contributed photos and research to Carolyn Martin's Metal Horse Figurines (2004) and Gladys Brown Edwards' Equine Works in Metal (2008).
Breyer horses (plastic) -- In the 1990s, Breyer author Nancy Young wrote or emailed me regularly. I sent her photos. I bought a model for her and mailed it. I told her how to research patents. (She had no clue.) I also sent her (for free) my entire Breyer file dating back to 1975 (and forward into 1996). It included Bentley Sales Co., and other vendor sales sheets with special runs, medallions from Breyer packages, and other interesting things. So, I did my bit for Breyer, too.
-- Gail Fitch, June 21, 2015
Hartland is an old, diverse, innovative, and resilient brand of plastic model horses and toy horses.
The original Hartland company, Hartland Plastics, Inc., of Hartland, Wisconsin, made its first horses in the late 1940s. By the late 1960s, the company was making horses from two, different hard plastics -- cellulose acetate and styrene -- and in five different sizes (scales). Hartland called its scales: the Tinymites (3") and the 5", 7", 9", and 11" series. (The models are often one-half inch to one inch less tall than the series name.) In addition, there are actually two major lines of Hartland horses: horse-and-rider sets and regular horses.
Hartland began making horse-and-rider sets in the early 1950s; in a decade, the sets depicted nearly three dozen famous characters, including Roy Rogers, The Lone Ranger, and Tonto. Most rider sets are 9" size, and have removable equipment (saddle, hat, etc.). Much of the equipment was uniquely shaped for each rider, and many riders had more than one horse design, so the rider sets are pretty complicated. Hartland's mane and tail variations added diversity decades before other companies did that.
The rider horses were "western" horses of no particular breed. In the early 1960s, Hartland began producing horses of specific, popular breeds, including more Tennessee Walkers and American Saddlebreds than any other manufacturer. The 9" and 11" horses were sold individually; most of the 5" and 7" horses were created to be sold as horse family sets. The 1960s horses included decorator colors, wood-carved/wood-grained textures, unpainted ("paint them yourself") models, and pearled finishes in addition to more realistic models.
Then, the molds were sold, and four more companies had a hand in making Hartland horses from the 1970s through 2007. Each company produced new and different colors, boosting the total number of Hartland horse models to over 750.
Many, but not all, Hartland horses are marked "Hartland" (on an inner, hind leg). Especially before the 1980s, Hartland fairly often molded horses in colored plastic, not just white, which makes for some interesting color variations. Semi-gloss finishes are typical for Hartland horses of all eras. Fine, sculpted detail is another Hartland hallmark.
Spring 2015 Events -- a partial list in the Midwest
Equine Affaire was April 9-12, 2015, at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio. See
The Midwest Horse Fair was April 17-19, 2015, in Madison, Wisconsin. See
The Milwaukee County 4-H Model Horse Show was April 25, 2015. This year, there was no open show, only the 4-H show. The open show is slated to return next year.
For events of the Chicago-area Great Lakes Congress, Inc. (model horse club), see
-- February 28, 2015
Fall Events, 2014
Mini Models to be Judged in Indiana
Model horse events for fall include The Little Horse Show on Saturday, October 18, 2014, at the Peter Stone Factory, 805 E. North Village Dr., Shipshewana, Indiana 46565. It is open to model horses of all brands that are the size of Stone "Pebbles" or smaller; that is, about 5" tall or less.
Eligible horses also include the Chips (about 3") by Peter Stone, Stablemates and Little Bits / Paddock Pals by Breyer, Tinymites (3") and the 5" series by Hartland, and Hagen-Renaker minis (3"), plus artist resins, customized models, and other brands of horses about 5" or under. See
Massachusetts Horse Expo Features Musical Celebration
The Equine Affaire, Eastern States Expo, billed as the largest horse-related trade show
in the East, is November 13-16, 2014, in West Springfiled, Massachusetts. It includes clinics and seminars, breed demonstrations and exhibits representing the horse breeds of North America and Europe, and the "Fantasia," a musical celebration of the horse. Adult admission is $15 or $50 for a four-day pass. See
-- Gail Fitch, October 12, 2014
Summer Musings, 2014
James Garner died yesterday. Of all the actors who portrayed characters that Hartland Plastics, Inc., modeled in plastic in the 1950s-1960s, he was my favorite. Dale Robertson was right up there, too.
In December, 2013, I was preparing the next issue of Model Equestrian: Horse Collecting & Hartland News, but
had to set it aside. There was an immediate need for a mini-biography on a local person, and I wrote it.
-- Gail Fitch,
July 20, 2014
Model Horse Shows Slated in Wisconsin for Early 2014
by Gail Fitch, January 17, 2014
Wisconsin is a hotbed of model horse shows, even in the cold months. It began with the Milwaukee Co. 4-H Horse/Horseless Club youth and open show on January 11.
The pavilion at Firemen's Park in Columbus, Wis., will be the site of the Sleigh Ride Rally Model Show, a NAMHSA approved show on February 8. Contact Karen Meekma,
March 1 is the show at Camp Sinawa in Valders, Wis. Contact Gerg Stebnitz, It is NAMHSA approved. For food, grilled cheese "is back."
March 8 is The Crystal Creek Riders show at Randolph Christian Grade School, Randolph, Wis. Contact Kathy Gunderson, NAMHSA approval is pending.
All three shows include youth and open (adult) classes, for performance and halter.
Hartland Indian Rider Set Sales
Ends December 22-- Brave Eagle, whose last year of issue was 1960, ends at auction on eBay on Sunday evening, December 22. The set looks very new, and includes the accessory bag (opened), but is missing the box and some parts. He rides a white, semi-rearing horse with mane up and fancy tail. Brave Eagle was the lead character in a 1950s TV series of that name owned by Roy Rogers.
Sold for $295-- Another Hartland Indian,
Chief Thunderbird in the hard-to-find war paint version from 1960, sold on eBay December 8 after meeting the reserve of $295. It was near-mint with all of the plastic accessories. His mount was the war-painted, semi-rearing horse with mane up and plain tail, the very last 1950s-1960s horse variation for Chief Thunderbird.
I'm the seller. Both sets were sent to me to sell on commission. My eBay ID is: hartland_guru.
Just published: The latest issue of
Model Equestrian: Horse Collecting & Hartland News
(Issue 17, August 2013)
It's 28 pages with two in color!
Topics, and who they'll appeal to, include:
Horse lovers:
Real-horse news and features. You'll laugh or be glad you know!
Forays into "alternative" types / brands of make-believe horses, large and small.
Model horse collectors / hobbyists:
Detailed history of the model-horse collecting hobby, and news milestones.
Practical tips and philosophical musings on horse collecting.
We meet a hobby icon, a long-time customizer, and a very nice collector.
Hartland western / horse-and-rider collectors:
Collecting reports on Hartland western sets.
Two important ads for Hartland western collectors.
Fans of TV / movie western heroes:
News and reviews on TV / movie westerns and their stars.
Hartland horse appreciators:
Updates on recent Hartland findings.
(Some articles and/or ads on each of the above topic groupings appear within this 28-page issue. It is not a "too-girly" magazine. There are things for the western collectors, too, not just the horse people.)
The price is $6.50 plus $3.00 shipping and handling = $9.50
You can send $9.50 via PayPal to:
Gail Fitch
1733 N. Cambridge Ave., #109
Milwaukee, WI 53202
I don't publish these very often. The last issue was February 2012!
Take Care, Gail Fitch
August 15, 2013
Production Piece Doesn’t Match the Quality of the Original on Breyer Resin Saddlebred
I was disappointed after I took my Breyer “Breeds of the World” American Saddlebred (#8251), a 5.5” tall resin, out of its box. I noticed that my piece does not look so well shaped as the model illustrated on the box. According to the sculptor, Kathleen Moody, the model photographed for the box was a prototype, not one of the mass produced pieces.
The problem is not a reflection on the sculptor. The model was made (mass produced) in China. It is up to Breyer to maintain quality control during mass production, and to represent its product accurately.
The model I received falls short. I wonder whether mine is the only one like this or whether all of the production pieces are shaped like mine? Take a look.
On the piece I received, look at the right foreleg (the foreleg on the ground), and compare it to the picture on the box. On my model, the lower leg (cannon bone) is thinner than shown on the prototype, and I think the fetlock’s lower and back portion were partly shaved off. I think the front of the hoof was shaved off, too. The result is a steeper pastern, shorter toe, and more vertical hoof.
Saddlebreds are known as a comfort to ride partly because of the slope of their pasterns. This horse just became less of a pleasure to ride.
It is not my imagination that my piece’s leg and hoof got smaller than the prototype. The photo on the box is in a smaller scale than the model, yet the model’s leg is actually slightly thinner than the picture. (I measured!) It should be bigger.
That is true for all four of the legs, too, but more for the lower half of the legs than the upper half.
Does your Saddlebred piece look, in comparison with the prototype photo on the box, like it lost part of the thickness and contour of its lower right foreleg and hoof, and the angle of the pastern and hoof each became steeper?
If I return mine, will Breyer send me another that is equally painful to look at? Or, is there a chance I could get a better one?
“No foot, no horse,” you know!
Gail Fitch, buying Breyer horses since 1963.
May 19, 2013
Several national store chains open their doors to "Black Friday" specials so soon as 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day this year.
The weekend of November 16-18, Toys R Us made coupons available to TRU rewards card holders for "buy 1, get 1 free" on Papo and Schleich figurines, according to model horse collector Christi Koenig, writing at the Toy Horse Haven yahoo group. She said that the card is free.
On November 5, the Great Lakes Congress
announced its 2013 schedule. No Frills Shows will be held February 23, March 23, and August 24. An all-mini No Frills Show is April 20. The Youth Show is October 19, and the No Frills Show with holiday party is December 7. All of these 2013 events are on Saturdays, in northeastern Illinois.
by GF, November 20, 2012
A major event for midwest horse lovers is the Midwest Horse Fair, April 19-21, 2013, in Madison, Wisconsin. Madison, located in the middle of the state, is the state capitol.
The response to my new book, Hartland Horses: New Model Horses Since 2000, has been enthusiastic.
Thanks to all who have sent their compliments. The publisher, Schiffer, did a fine job.
GF, April 13, 2013
Model Horse Swap Meet and Show to Be Held During Equestrian Expo Near Detroit, November 9-11.
The Showplace Spectacular Model Horse Show is Saturday, November 10, 2012, at the Suburban Collection Showplace, 46100 Grand River Ave., in Novi, Michigan, which is slightly northwest of Detroit.
It takes place during the Novi Equestrian Expo, November 9-11, 2012. Riding exhibitions and clinics are included in the schedule, and tack and giftware will be available from vendors.
The model show, which is NAMHSA-approved, includes 10 judged divisions: OF Breyer classic or larger, OF Breyer mini, OF Stone mini, OF Stone classic or larger, Custom classic or larger, Custom mini, Breyer Connoisseur models, Artist Resin mini, Artist Resin classic or larger, and Performance.
All divisions except Performance will use the same list of 25 classes: four foal classes and 21 classes for adult horses, divided by breed or type. The Performance division is open, and has four classes: Western Pleasure, Working Western, English Pleasure, Working English, and Costume.
All of the halter divisions will run concurrently, and the plan is for each class to load at the same time across the divisions.
The model show entry fee is $45 or $30 to enter only one division. There is also a fee to park at the Suburban Collection Showplace. Prices include a one-day pass to the Equestrian Expo.
The show is preceded by a Model Horse Swap Meet on Friday, November 9, 2012. A table is $25, but $20 if also participating in Saturday’s model horse show.
See “Model Horse Show” is one of nine categories to click at the left of the page.
The Performance division is efficiently condensed. The breeds and types are divided up interestingly in the halter divisions. Missing, though, is a performance class for harnessed horses, and the halter divisions overlook chinas, mass produced resins (and miscellaneous media like metal), and Hartlands and all other plastic models besides Breyers or Stones. With an entire division for Connoisseur Breyer models, though, this show accommodates models that are generally both higher-priced and less breakable. The relatively shorter class list of this show, with no cross entry except possibly with performance classes, should mean that the show ends before everyone is exhausted!
Gail Fitch, October 16, 2012
Third Book Joins Hartland Stable
With artistic sculpture and imaginative colors, lovely horses by Hartland have thrilled kids and collectors since the 1940s. They have held a special place in the world of make-believe horses. While hardships halted Hartland horse production in the 1990s, in 2000, they returned in style, with gleaming coats and expressive eyes. This new book picks up the trail with 358 bright illustrations of Hartland's revived production. New-century American Saddlebreds, Appaloosas, Arabians, Mustangs, Paints, Polo Ponies, Quarter Horses, Tennessee Walkers, riders, saddles, and more are covered, with detailed descriptions, values, and plastic-horse hobby lore. Also included are gift-run models in sizes ranging from Tinymites to 11", and test models. If you have a passion for model horses, you'll love this book!
It is 180 pages (8.5" x 11", paperback). I will sign and number your book, and enclose my two-page index, also.
I am now accepting advance, pre-paid orders for delivery in June.
The price is $30 by PayPal or $28.50 by personal check or money order. If you pay by May 25, your book will be from the very first shipment.
The first 10 people to order will receive a small gift of interest to model horse collectors.
To pay with PayPal, go to the Catalog page.
To pay with a personal check or money order, print out the Order Form page.
Gail Fitch, May 1, 2012
July 21, 2012
The first shipment of Hartland Horses: New Model Horses Since 2000 arrived on Thursday, July 19. On July 20, I mailed your book if you were in the first shipment; that is, if you ordered by May 25!
Sent by Media Mail, the books will begin arriving on July 23 or 24 at the earliest, but allow two weeks. To Canada, the books were sent by First Class Mail International, which I am told will take two weeks.
The second shipment arrives Tuesday, July 24. I will send them out on July 25 to all those who pre-ordered between May 26 and July 19. From July 24 on, the new book will be continuously
available for immediate shipment.
I signed and numbered each book and also the orange index sheet. The edition number should be the same in both places and also match the number wriiten in pencil under my return address label on the box. Let me know if anything isn't right.
I appreciate your buying the book from me, and your patience in advance ordering. I hope you like the book. Feedback is welcome.
Gail Fitch
P.S. I sell the book on eBay, but the price is lower when bought directly from me. See the Catalog Page to pay with PayPal and the Order Form Page
if sending a check or money order.
July 3, 2012
The Summer Olympics open July 27, 2012, in London, and the theme of BreyerFest 2012 is "The British Invasion." The model horse convention is July 20-22 (Friday-Sunday) at the Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, Kentucky.
Equilocity, the Peter Stone Company's model horse convention has a tropical theme, "Horses in Paradise." It is July 19-21 (Thursday-Saturday) at the Griffin Gate Mariott Resort & Spa, Lexington, Kentucky.
For more on these events, see:
June 15, 2012
In horse-related news, The Dane County (Wis.) Human Society is looking for donations to its Horse Fund to help feed 16 horses that were recently surrendered to its care (Associated Press, May 15, 2012).
The Columbus (Wis.) Horse and Carriage Festival is June 16-17, 2012, in the picturescue town that dates to the 1840s. Admission is free. See (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, June 3, 2012)
A collector is looking for old Hartland books (by Gail Fitch) from1983-1998. Those had plastic comb bindings. He has a lead on a 1987 book (from the Second Edition of Hartland Horses and Riders), and I think I can get him a 1998 book. He will still be missing these editions: First (1983-1985), Third (1989), and Fourth through Sixth (1991-1995). See the "Out of Print" page for pre-1999 book details. Contact me -- -- if you have an old Hartland book for sale.
The advance copy of the latest Hartland book arrived June 8. The shipment is due in July (or late June). I will fill the pre-paid orders so soon as the shipment arrives. I've already addressed the shipping boxes!
-- Gail Fitch
Issue 16 of Model Equestrian: Horse Collecting & Hartland News, published February 6, 2012, has received very positive reviews. One reader said it was the best issue yet. It encompasses much more than "just" Hartland models, and most of its articles are timeless. This issue is called February 2012, but it is like the year in review, plus what's coming next, and special features. It is 28 pages -- all articles, no advertising. See Catalog Page to order via PayPal or Order Form Page if sending a check.
(February 23, 2012)
Pink and Purple - - Model horse collector Laura Pervier creates greeting cards. She sent the card with a seahorse motif (upper right) for my birthday in February 2012.
It is shown smaller than actual size. Thank you, Laura. (March 9, 2012)