Hartland Magazine by Gail Fitch Published December 13
For more Hartland and Hartland-related fun, see the November-December 2005 issue of Hartland Model Equestrian News. I published it December 13. It is 24 pages. See my Catalog and Order Form pages.
Hartland Horses Test Colors for Sale
December 19, 2005--Click the "Models for Sale" button and then go to the "For Sale by Collectors" page to see the list of test color horses being sold by Sheryl Leisure, who painted them for the Hartland company. Her husband is selling some 1990s baseball statues, mostly unpainted. In addition to this, the Hartland company, itself, is selling leftover parts from 1990s rider sets, mostly unpainted. Orders to the Hartland company are taken by Sheryl Leisure (except for 2000s sports statues).
Hartland Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Return
December 5, 2005, 6:25 pm Central Time--The new Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Hartland horse-and-rider sets are now available from Hartland Collectibles, L.L.C. For over a year, their release had been delayed by a lawsuit.
Shipping will begin December 16, in time for Christmas, according to a mailing (received today) from Horse-Power Graphics, Inc., which does the billing, shipping, and customer service for Hartland (and also designs the colors on the Hartland horses).
The Dale Evans set includes Bullet, their German Shepherd. Both the Roy and Dale sets look different from all previous versions. They are more elaborately painted. Both sets will be limited editions of 2,500.
Each Roy or Dale set is $50 plus shipping ($8.95 for one and $2 for each additional set).
The last time Roy and Dale were issued (1992-1994 for Roy and 1993-1994 for Dale), the retail price was so much as $40 (but $25 from some distributers).
Since then, we've had another decade of inflation, and more hand-painting has evidently gone into these 2005 models, judging by the photo. The 9" series rider sets usually sold for $3.98 when they began in the 1950s.
Interestingly, the order form says, "These items are for display only. Not intended as toys and not recommended for children under 12." (The main problem is that children could swallow or choke on the tiny guns or even the hats. The 1950s-1960s Hartland packaging and catalogs included no such warnings. Parents were on their own to use their best judgment. My mother took away the guns. I wouldn't have gotten into trouble with them, but the younger children in the family could have. The standard of safety, demontrated on television last month, is that if something is small enough to fit inside a cardboard, toilet paper tube, it could possibly be swallowed by a child.)
Orders are being taken online at www.hartlandcollectibles.com and by phone at 209-742-6802, Monday-Friday during business hours in California (Pacific Time). The mailing address is: Horse-Power Graphics, Inc., PO BOX 5008 PMB, Mariposa, CA 95338.
Hurray for Hartland models! They live on!
--Gail Fitch
Stone Horse Coming Soon

Myla Pearce designed this lapidary color on the Peter Stone Company's Palouse horse mold.
The models' metallic sheen is hard to capture in a photo. The middle model has darker color
and more white on the face. At right is a factory custom; its right foreleg was lifted
higher, head was turned, and ears were moved.[Added 11-7-05]
Fun Horse & Model Events Set For November, December, 2005
Model Horse Events:
November 5 & 6 -- Schorie, New York
Region 10 Regionals III, Dianne Lievense
November 12 -- Peoria, Illinois; and
December 3 -- St. Charles, Illinois
No Frills Live Shows, Margaret Juergensmeyer
November 19 -- Kansas City, Missouri
KCMO Thunderstorm Classic, Heather Downing
November 19 -- East Dubuque, Iowa
Il-IA Model Show, Brenda Metcalf
November 26 -- Leesport, Pennsylvania
Ride for Pride 2nd Annual MHS, Nichole Hertzog
[Added 11-7-05. The source of events in this article is Breyer's Just About Horses, November/December 2005, page 29]
Real Horse Events:
November 4-13 --
Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; www.royalfair.org
November 5-6 -- Columbus, Ohio
November 12-13 -- St. Louis, Missouri
November 19-20 -- Washington, D.C.
November 25-26 -- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
December 3-4 -- Atlanta, Georgia
December 10-11 -- Houston, Texas
Spanish Riding School of Vienna Performances
November 10-13 -- Equine Affaire Expo, West Springfield, Massachusetts; www.EquineAffaire.com
November 11-13 -- North American Horse Spectacular, Novi, Michigan; www.horsespectacular.com
December 2-11 -- Country Christmas Western Gift Expo, Las Vegas, Nevada; www.countrychristmas.com
Fall Shows and Model Releases
Fall Follies Live is October 1, 2005,
in Williamston, Michigan (near Lansing). This model horse show is limited to 35 entrants. For information, see www.geocities.com/whooiehorsey/index.htm
The Equine Affaire (real) horse expo is held in four cities each year. September 16-18, it was in, where else, Louisville, Kentucky. The next one will be November 10-13 in West Springfield, Massachusetts. For information: www.equineaffair.com.
Special Peter Stone models available in Louisville included, "Tempest," an extreme makeover Arabian (with swishing tail), a drastic custom trotting drafter as a Gypsy
Van horse, a dapple grey standing stock horse, and others.
Rocky Mountain Rendezvous was September
17, 2005, in Grand Lake, Colorado. A production of The Peter Stone Company, the show offered "Tempest," which is a limited edition of 30 pieces, for $350 each. (That's too expensive for me.)
The Meows & Minis Show in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, raised $2,140 for the Cat Guardians, according to show organizer Chris Wallbruch. You can order Hartland books from me, for the beneifit of this show, until October 31.
The Great Lakes Congress, Inc., is raffling
"Jet Propelled," a Peter Stone Tennessee Walker in piebald (black pinto). Tickets are $5 each. The drawing will be held October 22, 2005, at the GLC's October, No Frills Show in St. Charles, Illinois. Winners need not be present. The model was donated by the Peter Stone Company. The raffle will help GLC pay for its big, spring show.
For information. mail Liz Cory, treasurer, at lizicory@aol.com
Each month, the Peter Stone Company offers an E-Horse, a special model that changes from month-to-month. Orders are taken over a month's time, and then the quantity of models ordered and produced are shipped. See www.stonehorses.com/ehorse/oct05.htm, for the latest model, which can be ordered through October 15. Septembers model's can still be ordered until September 23.
by Gail Fitch, September 17, 2005
A Model Magazine Era Ends...
I was surprised to find out that the July/August 2005 issue of Horsing Aroundmagazine was its last. It was published in
England, in full color, for 10 years. An international showcase for full-color adsfrom resin artists, it also attracted articlesthat put the model horse world in the best possible light. It was popular in the U.S. and Europe.
For Vanessa and Mark Crawley, publishing Horsing Around was an adjunct to their primary business: producing limited edition horse figurines by a talented "stable" of artists. Production of figurines continues.Instead of the magazine, the Crawleys now send an email newsletter to announce theirnew model releases.
Back issues of Horsing Around magazine are still available while they last. To sign up for the email newsletter or to purchase back issues or order models, see
--Gail Fitch, August 26, 2005
...and A New Magazine Begins
On August 23, the long-awaited first issue
of Art Horse magazine arrived. It is a beautiful, full-color foray into fine art equine sculpture, with articles on artists and the horse in art; georgeous photos of sculpture, real horses, and artists; and ads for the sculpture, model shows, and customizing.
The Summer 2005 issue is 36 pages and well worth the subscription price: $10.50 per year for two issues.
It is not really a model horse magazine.
It is too "high class." I didn't see a single classified ad. But, it is part of the spectrum of model-horse-related interests.
Publisher/editor Lynn Raff is onto something good. See www.arthorsemagazine.com
"Lost" Lipizzan Resin Available
You can now pre-order the long lost, Leaping Lipizzan resin sculpture by Kathleen Moody. This Lipizzan, now called "Lost
Treasure," was one of seven horse models that had been planned for the Hartland line around 1990, when Steven Mfg. owned Hartland.
None of the seven was ever produced. In fact, their molds for injection molding in plastic were never made, and in 1995-96, Steven officials were unable to locate the seven clay sculptures.
Paola Groeber, who is now issuing the resin Lipizzans, had worked for Steven Mfg, until 1990, and as a small, separate business, she produced and/or sold Hartland horses in plastic and resin under the name Hartland Collectables, Inc., from 1985-1990.
That business name, with the same or a similar spelling, has been used by two other "Hartland" companies since Paola used it. In 1993-94, the Steven catalogs had the "HC" name on them, and the current Hartland company calls itself Hartland Collectibles, L.L.C. The resin Lipizzans have no connection with the current Hartland company, which bought Hartland from Steven Mfg. in 2000 and has made Hartland horses in plastic since 2001.
In April 2005, Paola announced that she found five of the seven clay sculptures in a group of leftover Steven models that she bought when Steven closed its doors this year. Following a spell of mis-management in 1992-1994, Steven never made a Hartland model again after 1994. The Lipizzan is pictured on page 141 in my book HARTLAND HORSES AND DOGS. You can see it on a beautiful base at
comingsoon.html, and pre-order there. A deposit of $50 (non-refundable) will reserve one. Paola expects the total cost to be around $200, and the edition size to be 50.
The extremely complicated history of Hartland -- we are now on the sixth company that has made Hartland horses -- is found in HARTLAND HORSES AND DOGS.
You may contact Paola Groeber at pgroeber@comcast.net or read the Lippizan sale announcement, dated August 20, 2005, at hartlandmodelhorses@yahoogroups.com, a listserve that was started by a private collector (not me).
by Gail Fitch, August 20, 2005
Model Show Benefits Cat Shelter
An all-mini-sized model horse show in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, on September 10, 2005, will benefit the Cat Guardians, a non-profit cat shelter in the Glen Ellyn area.
The show, Meows and Minis Live, is being held by Chris Wallbruch, whose previous shows raised four-digit donations for the non-kill shelter.
A long list of impressive models and related items have been donated for the show's auction and raffle. I'm playing a part in this, too.
For each Hartland book sold at or through the show, I will donate $5. The deadline for buying a Hartland book for the "cat show" benefit is October 31, 2005. You can send me a check or pay me with PayPal (gfitch@execpc.com). Mention "Meows & Minis."
See the auction items at: http://www.picturetrail.com/wombats . (Scroll down to the Meows and Minis auction items). You may bid by email, in $5 increments, from August 23 until September 8. The auction will be finished September 10 at the show. Email wombats@earthlink.net .
The show is open to Peter Stone Pebbles and Stone Chips models, Breyer Paddock Pals/Little Bits, Stablemates, and micro-mini-sized models, Hartland Tinymites (and 5" series, I believe), and other plastic, china, and resin horses in comparably small sizes.
There are halter and performance divisions that qualify models for NAN (the national champion show), and there are fun classes, too.
The entry fee is $35, vendor tables are $30; and a box lunch is $10.50, due by August 1. The entry fee goes up after August 31.
For information, contact Chris Wallbruch at wombats@earthlink.net or sign up for Meowsandminis@yahoogroups.com .
A separate event at the show is an RESS
(Realistic Equine Sculpture Society) Challenge Class. For a $5 fee, you can enter a mini-sized model that you have painted/penciled/colored. The entry form and payment for the RESS class go to Karen Beeson, karbee9@aol.com .
--by Gail Fitch, August 20 & 26, 2005
Costs are Going Down, Not Up
Shipping Reduced for Hartland Books
Since 1999, postage has gone up twice, but we've never raised the shipping from $4.00 per book, which included insurance, a clear plastic bag, and a shipping box. Now, we've figured out a way to REDUCE the shipping cost while still getting the book to you with all the same amenities. Shipping is now only $3.50 per book.
So send $33.50 total for one book; $65 total for two books sent together.
--Gail Fitch, August 7, 2005
Coming Attractions ...
Peter Stone Equilith Magazines for Sale
Equilith is the quarterly collector magazine from the Peter Stone company, which has been making model horses for 9.5 years. I have the Equilith magazines from 2000, 2001, and 2002, all in excellent condition. I am asking $45 plus $4 shipping for the entire group of 12 magazines. Their cost was originally $30 per year -- the cost of the subscription.
They will begin appearing on eBay one issue at a time. I'd rather sell them as a group. If interested, please email me soon at gfitch@execpc.com. Thanks!
eBay Auctions of Hartland & Other Horses
I finally put some models on eBay starting Monday, April 18. Now sold are a 1960s Budweiser Brown (topaz bay) Thoroughbred, 1960s rearing Palomino Mustang, and a 1996 rearing Grand Champions Palomino with western tack. Both of the Hartlands are rarer than nearly all of the Breyer horses that have ever been made, but my asking prices are very reasonable. Now for sale: a large and rare Marx horse (the red-shirted and non-jointed cowboy and his many accessories have already been sold), and more Hartlands, Breyers, etc. On eBay, I am: hartland_guru
-- Gail Fitch
Stone Horses Country Fair was May 5-7
Ten special run Stone models were available at the Stone Horses Country Fair May 5-7 (Thursday-Saturday) in Shipshewana, Indiana. They included two large-sized draft
horses, a Pebbles hunter, and all six molds of mini-sized "Stone chips," including two colors on the "chip" draft horse mold.
The schedule included:
Warehouse sale: Th 2-4 p.m.& Sat 6-8 a.m.
Vendor sales: F noon-5 p.m. & Sat 9 a.m.-?
Model Painting Class: F 8 a.m.-5 p.m., $150
Paint a Pebbles model: F noon-5 p.m. & Sat 9 a.m.-?, $5
Model Show (judging): Sat 8:30 a.m.-?
Shipshewana Mayfest Parade: Sat 10 a.m.
Stone Factory Tour: Sat 1 p.m.
Stone shows annual awards: Sat 6:30 p.m.
Auction of test runs: Sat 7:30 p.m.
The special model for the show was "Charlie," a standing drafter in light grey with a long, full tail. The real "Charlie" appeared at noon on Saturday. The model and Saturday supper were $110; including show entry, the charge was $135. Entry fee for the model show, alone, was $40.
The Thursday cookout at 6 p.m. was $5, the Friday hog roast at 6 p.m. was $10, and lunch at the model show at noon Saturday was $5.95.
A pair of driving horses named Ice & Breeze -- both are Paint-Percheron-Thoroughbred crosses -- were also scheduled to appear, and very limited models of them were released. See www.drivehorses.com
There was also a scavenger hunt, a raffle, door prizes, and more. The warehouse sale on Thursday was also an open house. Most events took place at the Stone factory or the
local convention center.
For more information on the Stone Horses Country Fair, see www.stonehorses.com or call 1-866-581-1370.
Added April 20, 2005 based on information in a flyer from the Stone company. Changed to past tense
May 25, 2005.
A New Horse Art Magazine
A new magazine, Art Horse, debuts in summer 2005. Subscriptions are $10 for one year (two issues: summer and winter). It is described as "the new magazine for equine artists, collectors, and horse people!"
For information, see: http://www.arthorsemagazine.com
(Added 5-25-05 at about 5:30 pm Central)
Calendar of Upcoming Horse & Western Events
The 15th Annual Hopalong Cassidy Festival was May 5-7 in Cambridge, Ohio, home of William Boyd. It featured celebrities, a parade, and cowboy collectibles at the Western Show and Sale. For information about next year's event, call the Cambridge /Guernsey Co. Visitor's Bureau: 1-800-933-5480. (For this year, you could PayPal me $1.00 and I'd quickly send you a copy of the two-page flyer: gfitch@execpc.com)
The Kentucky Derby was Saturday, May 7. It is always the first Saturday in May. A long shot won. The favorite won the Preakness May 21 after nearly falling. No Triple Crown this year! The Belmont Stakes is June 4, 2005.
(4-26 & 5-25-05)
Upcoming horse shows include the Germantown, Tenn., Charity Show, June 7-11; the Springfield, Ill., Midwest Charity Show, June 14-18; and in Indianapolis, Ind., the Region 13 Arabian Championships.
-- Added April 26, 2005, 5:30 p.m. Central Time
Original Model News Publication Available
Issue #8 of my Hartland Model Equestrian News, the January-February 2005 issue is out. It is 24 pages with fun coverage of MANY brands of model horses and horse-related things.
A virus that causes coughing and exhaustion knocked me out for a month. It's getting better (March 3, 2005). April 12: Improving, but didn't make it to the GLC show this year. Not back to normal yet (May 25, 2005). Hence, the infrequent work on this web site.
Madison, Wisconsin, Hosts Horse Fair
The Midwest Horse Fair, billed as the best three-day horse fair in the country, was April 15-17 in Madison, Wis. This horse fair is absolutely wonderful entertainment, and a great "fix" after a long, horse-show-deprived winter in the northern latitudes.
See www.midwesthorsefair.com
Illinois Model Club Holds Shows
A clinic on customizing model horses with pastels took place during the Great Lakes Congress, March 18-20 at the Chicago Northwest Mariott Hotel in Hoffman Estates, Ill. See www. GreatLakesCongress.com for details.
The GLC is a non-profit, educational organization incorporated in the state of Illinois. Membership for 2005 is $50, but members receive discounts on show entry fees and other advantages. The club holds several smaller shows per year in addition the big GLC show itself. The small shows are usually NAN-qualifying shows, too.
Three New Hartland Items Issued in 2005
So far in 2005, Hartland has issued three models: a Chubby in coffee dun with a black saddle; a replacement Roy Rogers saddle; and the 2005 "club" horse: a Semi-Rearing coffee dun with black saddle.
I don't know whether this was an intentional choice or a mistake, but the dun Chubby has the wavy tail seen on half of the Standing/Walking horses ever made by Hartland companies. It has neither of the two tails that were ever used on Chubbies for production runs by the several companies that have made Hartland horses since the late 1940s.
--Written April 12, 2005, at about 4:30 p.m. Central Time.
Hartland Five-Gaiters, Others at Auction
Note on April 12, 2005: Laura Pervier had 11 Hartland horse auctions ending on eBay April 13. They were nice models, mostly by Paola or Steven, some 1960s, and one 00s model...mostly 9" Five-Gaiters, some Polo Ponies, and an 11" Arab. Her eBay seller name is: lrp36 (lower case L).
A Great Art Print of A Morgan
Let's hear it for Marta Gottfried, the artist who surpasses realism in her expressionistic action sketch of a black Morgan (or other gaited type horse). The title of the art is LEPA ZENA! The print is sold in three sizes by Harmony Hill Studio, which did a superb job of packaging. Contact HHS at (812) 859-3948; harmony@ccrt.com; www.harmonyhillstudio.com. (Added 5-25-05)
On Mastercrafters Clocks and Green-Shirted Cowboys
Because company catalogs and other printed documentation of early Hartland products is so incomplete, there has always been room for uncertainty about them. I've been reconstructing the Hartland product history since 1980, and I'm always learning more.
Mastercrafters Clocks. Since 1983, I have published that Hartland made horses in the late 1940s for Mastercrafters clocks, and since the early 1990s, my books added the information that Hartland had made the clock horses first, and Breyer made them after that, copying the Hartland horse. This information was based on recollections (some of them put in writing) by Hartland officials I located and interviewed between 1981 and 1991. In 2004, what I've been publishing all along was confirmed by some mass produced, printed documentation. Breyer did, indeed, make the Mastercrafters clock horse after Hartland did, and copied one of the Hartland horse variations extremely closely. Other companies have copied the Large Hartland Champ horses, of which there are four variations, also, not to mention the copies of the Small Champ horses and copies of the Hartland Chubby horse. I have found out more about all of these copies since Hartland Horsemen with Price Guide went to press
Green-Shirted, Large Champ Cowboys. In 2004, a collector of reliable reputation (a woman who had previously lived in Wisconsin, but is now in New York), emailed photos of a green-shirted Large Champ Cowboy to me prior to selling the set on eBay. I have had much experience seeing early Hartland models in all states, from mint-in-box to faded and rubbed, and it it looked authentic to me. A second, green-shirted Large Champ Cowboy was sold in eBay in 2004 also. It may have been authentic, too. Since this model is rare at best, there was an individual who used to paint the green shirt color on Large Champ Cowboys for collectors who were unable to find one. In a mid-1990s survey I conducted of the majority of serious Hartland horse-and-rider collectors at that time, no one said they had ever seen
one, let alone owned one -- except for one collector who had found a rubbed one and had it repainted to look new. Factoring in that about 10% of men and 2.5% of women are color blind, and that the paint on Hartland models was not always stable, the Green cowboys seemed like, if not a hoax, close to it. Most likely, they were only a very brief run.
I will say more about the Mastercrafters clocks, horse copies, and Champ cowboys in printed publications, not on the web. I appreciate your asking questions and bringing unusual things to my attention. I have always depended on the kindness of other collectors. Thanks.
Until later, happy collecting. -- Gail Fitch
Added January 25, 2005; revised slightly on 3-2-05
For Sale by Sheryl Leisure
PO Box 5008 PMB 133, Mariposa, CA 95338 (209) 742-6802 FAX: (209) 742-6803
Hartland Horses One-Of-A-Kind Test Model Sales List:
Test models are generally painted on models of non-saleable quality, so rough seams are common, but I noted them when present. All of these have at least eye whites and some have tri-colored eyes. All are marked with test number on the bottom; mold number and number of test. They were painted from the year 2000 to the present. Shipping: Please contact for actual shipping rates, either USPS Priority Mail or UPS. Average single horse weighs two pounds, Legacy Series weigh about one pound so you can calculate it on the web if you like at www.ups.com or http://postcalc.usps.gov/. I accept checks, cash and money orders. No Pay Pal or Credit cards please! Thank you!
Condition Code:
“A” Very Good condition
“B” Tiny flaws
“C” Nice color, but noticeable flaws
For color photos, please see them on my web page at http://www.modelhorsejamboree.com/ofhorsemodels.htm
Or email me for specific photos: sleisure@sti.net
Regal Arabian (11" series) - SOLD
901-009 Dapple Black Pearl, Tri colored eyes, no white markings “A” $95.00
Heritage Saddlebreds (9" series Five-Gaiters) - Most of these 10 Five-Gaiters are now SOLD (as of May 2006).
I think only one is left.
Contact Sheryl Leisure for details.
881-03 Dapple Chestnut, four white freehand socks, “B” tiny seam split on forehead $65.00
881-07 Copper Chestnut, no leg markings, “B” dent in cheek under paint $65.00
881-05 Dapple Brown, four white freehand socks “A” $75.00
881-021 Dapple Rose Gray, no socks, dark shading “A” $75.00
881-022 Fleabitten chestnut, black hooves “A” $75.00
881-02 Fleabitten gray, white mane and tail “A” $75.00
881-023 Pearl Gray w/white mane and tail “A” $75.00
881-01 Palomino with masked socks dated 11/9/00, “B” few tiny black marks on legs $65.00
881-04 Taffy Shaded Palomino with freehand socks, freehand star “A” $65.00
881-019 Pearl rose gray with black points, “B” slightly messy forehead seam, light pinhead rub on shoulder $65.00
Heritage Polo Ponies (9" series)
883-05 Bay blanket Appaloosa, brown spots, star blaze mask, “B” rough spot on back seam $65.00
883-04 Golden Bay, bald face, “B” slightly rough back seam $65.00
883-03 Pale Dun with dorsal and leg barring, “B” a few tiny black marks $75.00 - SOLD
883-01 Matte Dapple Palomino, star blaze mask, “B” a few tiny black marks, a little split at the mane seam $65.00
883-020 Yellow gold Appaloosa, gold leg and tail wraps, hand airbrushed spots, “B” slightly rough back seam $65.00
Heritage Thoroughbred (9" series)
873-02 Fleabit Gray “A” $75.00
Legacy Tennessee Walking Mare (7" series) -
Sheryl has some of these mislabeled as Stallions at her web site.
684M-18 Amber Champagne Overo Paint, one freehand sock, bald face, pink nose, “B” a few tiny rubs $25.00 - SOLD
684M-12 Pale Golden Palomino Overo Paint, freehand socks, bald face, pink nose, “C” back seam is a little rough, a few rubs $25.00
684M-13 Dapple Pearl Cremello, blue eyes, pink skin, “C” rough back seam - $25.00 - SOLD
684M-08 Dapple Palomino, “C” two small body scrapes, a few tiny black marks on left side $20.00
6845M-07 Shaded Dapple Bay “A” $35.00| - SOLD
684M-17 Buckskin, leg barring, dorsal stripe “A” $25.00 (no photo yet!) SOLD.
684M-06 Golden Palomino, freehand socks, “B” a tiny scrape on the back $25.00
684M-03 Dapple Buckskin, dorsal stripe, “B” a few tiny black marks $25.00 - SOLD
Legacy Tennessee Walking Stallion (7" series)
684S-04 Pearl Dapple Grey, dark mane and tail, masked star, “B” slightly rough back seam $45.00 - SOLD
Weanling Foal
6100-05 Dapple Grey, “C” seam split on back near tail $45.00
[This list was added 12-19-05 as a courtesy to Sheryl Leisure and with her permission. I updated the list on May 26, 2006. Sheryl painted these test color horses for the Hartland company. They are authentic test colors and are very well painted. Sheryl's husband, Brad Leisure, is selling some 1990s Hartland baseball items, mostly unpainted. The same phone and Fax number will reach him.
--Gail Fitch