Summer 2001 Model Events: Fun and Special Models
Celebration of the Horse -- June 2 Celebration of the Horse
Live horse and model horse activities will mark the 125th anniversary of the Little Big Horn at the Douglas County Fairgrounds in Lawrence, Kansas, on June 2. Events include a barbeque dinner, model horse show, auction, live horse demonstrations, and a special program celebrating the role that horses played in the historic event. The model show is NAMSHA approved.
The program sponsors are Stone Horses, the University of Kansas, and the Haskell Indian Nations University. A special Stone model of Comanche, the horse that was found alive on the battlegrounds, is included in the price of the dinner ticket, $75. The dinner alone is $20. Tickets are available from Stone Horses ( in Lawrence, Kansas
Equitana USA -- June 14-17 in Louisville, Kentucky
Equitana showcases the horse industry, and models will be available there, too. The Breyer special run model for Equitana 2001 is "Odyssey," the standing Saddlebred by sculptor Kathleen Moody, painted to look like a night sky: blue-black with stars and galaxies. The paint design is by Ginger Ryals, and it is available from The Ginger Horse. Only 2,500 will be made.
For Equitana USA, call 888-HORSES1.
(For more information and a picture, see Just About Horses, March/April 2001, back cover.)
Hartland Silver Sultan to be Sold at Jamboree
Hartland's Silver Sultan, the Hartland 11" Arabian in dapple rose grey, will be sold at the Jamboree, June 22-23 in Pomona, California. The price has not been announced, but cannot exceed $45 (possibly, plus tax), according to the Hartland company rules on selling Silver Sultan.
In all, the Hartland models to be sold at Jamboree are: (1) Silver Sultan; (2) Tom Tom, the 11" QH in black pinto, which had to be pre-ordered; (3) Walter, a new resin--the price has not been announced yet; (4) various, small-runs of test-color, plastic Hartland models in the 7" and 11" sizes--descriptions and prices are not known yet. (The ones that don't sell out at the Jamboree will be available later. )
For two more models, it isn't clear whether they will be sold at Jamboree or if only samples will be exhibited. Those models are: (5) SweetHart, a slow-trotting QH mare in resin; and (6) a third resin, not yet described. The three resins are new to the Hartland line.
Watch the Jamboree web site for last-minute announcements: .
Jamboree--June 20-23 in Pomona, CA.
Two model shows, sales by vendors, seminars, an appearance by a celebrity horse, and a dinner are among the events slated for the Los Angeles Fairplex, June 20-23. It is not too late to advance-order three, special-run models--a Breyer, a Stone, and a Hartland--and the dinner ticket for the West Coast Model Horse Collector's Jamboree.
Another, new Hartland model will be available at Jamboree without a ticket. It is "Walter," a trotting Quarter Horse. A new mold, it will be produced in resin, rather than plastic. The real-life Walter, who is the subject of humorous books and articles by Don Blazer, his horse trainer-owner--will be present. (The model will also be available elsewhere, after Jamboree.)
Call 909-446-0233 (M-F, 9-5 p.m. Pacific Time) or write Jamboree, 34428 Yucaipa Blvd., #E119, Yucaipa, CA 92399. See
There are individuals who are willing to, for a small charge, pickup models from the Jamboree and then mail them to you. The way it works is: You buy the Jamboree tickets, and then send them to the person you've arranged to have pick up the models for you. Some also offer pick up for BreyerFest or other events. Among those who offer Jamboree pick up service this year are:
• Wild Horse Collectibles, PO Box 363, Dewey, OK 74029;
She requests the ticket plus $11 for each model.
• Suzy Meathrell,;
She requests the ticket and $15 for each model.
In both instances, I believe the charge includes the cost of shipping the model to you.
(This article was archived June 26, 2001.)
First Hartland Model of the New Century Arrives
This year, George Washington's birthday coincided with excitement for Hartland collectors. On the February 22 Haynet--the "model-horse" discussion group at collectors reported receiving the membership model from the new Hartland company. Mine arrived the 23rd.
The first model from the new company, Hartland Collectibles L.L.C., is a Polo Pony in bay appaloosa, "Chart the Course." It is a bold step in a great direction. With a warm, coppery brown body color, pearled white hip blanket with brown spots, and pearled white bandages, the color is both attractive and distinct from previous models.
The painting workmanship on mine is very good, and collectors on Haynet likewise gave it rave reviews. The only flaws I could see were dents in the lower hind legs, which were apparently on the model before it was painted. Another Haynet reader reported the same flaws. These models were molded in 1994 by the previous owner of Hartland, Steven Mfg. Company. The leftover stock of unpainted models was included when Hartland changed hands last August.
Jamboree Features Three Models
Also on February 22, I received the announcement of the the 2001, West Coast Model Horse Collector's Jamboree to be held June 20-23 in Pomona, California. (Although dozens of model horse events take place each year in the United States and abroad, Jamboree is one of the largest. Only Breyerfest®, held in Lexington, Kentucky in late July, draws a larger crowd.) Jamboree events include two model shows (judging meets), sales in the vendor hall, workshops, a benefit auction, and a dinner Saturday night. Admission is free except for the workshops and dinner (and parking).
Dinner tickets are $55 for adults and $50 for children under 12, and include a special run Breyer model, "Prairie Song," the Indian Pony mold in black blanket appaloosa.
In addition to the dinner model, the Jamboree special models will be "Cloud of Mist," the brand new, Peter Stone Pony mold in buckskin pinto; and "Tom-Tom," a Hartland 11" series, prancing Quarter Horse in black pinto. These two models are $55 each, need to be advance-ordered, and must be picked up at the Jamboree since they are not mailed. (Collectors who can't attend often have a friend or paid representative pick up their models and then ship them.) In the event that models are left over, their availability is announced in a mailing from Jamboree hostess Sheryl Leisure. To get on the mailing list, write: The West Coast Model Horse Collector's Jamboree, 34428 Yucaipa Blvd., #E119, Yucaipa, CA 92399.
Prices Announced For Hartland Models
The Jamboree mailing also included the announcement that new Hartland models, besides the Polo Pony, were available. However, when I called Hartland Collectibles February 22, word was that they were "not available yet." It took another month: the web site was ready to take orders on March 9, and the models I ordered March 10 arrived March 27.
The palomino 9" Five-Gaiter is $36 and 7" series Tennessee Walker Family in amber champagne colors is $45. Shipping is extra. Both will be limited editions of 250, according to the flyer. For information, call Hartland Collectibles' toll-free number, 1-866-4467-7399. (Revised 3-30-01; photo added 4-7-01.)
Two Hartland Books Available...Plus Other Literature
Special Prices Effective May 8, 2001
Hartland Horses and Dogs, copyright 2000, was just released in January 2001. It is the first professionally published edition on Hartland's breed-series horses, as opposed to the "western" horses covered in the companion book, Hartland Horsemen (1999). Both books are available from me. Others sell them, but I'm the author. I autograph and number them and enclose an index. For more information, click on the buttons for "Hartland Horse Book" and "Order Form" on the navigation bar. Each book is $33.90, which includes insured and well padded shipping. Both books together are $65.50 ppd.
However, if you bought Hartland Horses and Dogs from me, you are eligible for $3.00 off the price of Hartland Horsemen. Send only $30.90 postpaid.
Other Literature Available:
If you collect not just models, but literature on them, if the details of collecting interest you, or if you are enjoy following model horse news, you may be interested in the following:
1. January 2001 Index for Hartland Horses and Dogs. Look up specific molds and the many copies and other non-Hartland models that are shown for comparison. Two, reference-packed pages. Price: $2.00 for the "Green Index." (Free with purchase of Hartland Horses and Dogs.)
2. January 2001 Index for Hartland Horsemen. With this index, you can look up each part of each rider set (and non-Hartland models) quickly and easily. Two, reference-packed pages. This "Gold Index" is $2.00. (Free with purchase of Hartland Horsemen and/or Hartland Horses and Dogs.)
3. October 1999 Additions/Corrections for Hartland Horsemen. It will answer some frequently-asked questions. One information-packed page with a color photo. Full color. Price: $1.50. (Free with purchase of Hartland Horsemen.)
4. June 2000 Newsletter sent to Hartland Horses and Dogs photo donors. Price $1.00. Free for viewing at this web site under, "June 2000 Newsletter."
5. November-December 2000 Hartland Model Equestrian News. Eight pages on model horses (of all brands) and horse collectibles. Price: $2.00 ($1.00 for those who purchased Hartland Horses and Dogs from me.) Parts of this newsletter may be read in the "Archive" that follows this News page.
6. March-April 2001 Hartland Model Equestrian News. Eight pages of model horse news and more. The majority of it is not found at this web site, only in the printed newsletter! Don't miss some great news announcements and discoveries (not about Hartland). These are insider tips! Price; $2.00 ($1.00 for those who purchased Hartland Horses and Dogs from me.)
7. Index for the second volume of Hartland Market (November 1995-May 1996). Look up names of collectors and advertisers, subjects, and articles. This newsletter created a community. Four pages. Price: $1.00.
Buying Hartland Books from the Author
Has Its Benefits
ll Hartland horses are now covered by two, very comprehensive books: Hartland Horsemen and Hartland Horses and Dogs. I sell them signed and numbered, at the publisher's suggested retail price, $29.95 (plus insured shipping in a plastic bag within a sturdy box).
Buying these books from me offers certain advantages:
(1) You receive my autograph. Okay, I know that isn't very exciting, but...
(2) You receive an Index for each book. The index is in table form and is like a directory; it summarizes what's in the book, and where to find it. The indexes are especially helpful for looking up parts of rider sets in Hartland Horsemen, and for comparing Hartland and non-Hartland models in both books. However, best of all...
(3) It puts you on the mailing list for future publications! There will be additional Hartland books, and some of them may not be found in bookstores. Those will only be sold to people who purchased either Hartland Horsemen or Hartland Horses and Dogs from me, in appreciation for helping support my efforts as an author.
(For each book you buy from me, I can use the "profit" to develop a roll of film for a future book, but for each sale by a bookstore or other distributor, all I get is a royalty that can pay for less than two postage stamps. That's a lot less. What authors are "paid" is a crime.)
A future book will include additional, early history of Hartland and historic, from-the-factory photos that are not in either of the first two books. There will also be an update for the first two books.
All of these books cover different things, so anyone seriously interested in Hartland models will need all of them.
The money I earn from these books gets recycled into doing more books. My friends and relatives cringe at the thought of it since I'm still in debt to them for the first two books, but it's true. Ah, well....It's for a good cause.--December 20, 2000; updated February 26 and March 3, 2001.
On May 22, the Order Form was changed to reflect the discounts listed on the left. Please include your email address on it to make it easier for me to notify you when additional publications become available.
More books and newsletters are coming!
Also, I'm writing a column for Horsing Around magazine, and what will appear there will be different from what's in my printed newsletter or the news portion of this web site. Horsing Around is printed in full color. Subscriptions are $36 per year (U.S.). You can subscribe with a charge card online (
(Updated May 22, 2001; archived August 6, 2001)
This 'n That -- Model Horse Notes
About Those Unusual "Hartlands" on eBay--The Hartland 9" Arab in an attractive, appaloosa color that collector Ellen Shaw Maceko found on eBay, but not in my book, turned out to be customized by its seller, Ann Reynolds.
Ann Reynolds paints and sculpts horses, and makes model carousel horses for PJ's Carousel Collectibles. She sells notecards and larger pictures of her carousel horses at Judging by her web site, she is both talented and modest: Her "Making of a Sculptress" page includes a horse head sculpture she made when she was ten. There's also a picture of her on a native costume Arab.
She said by email that she is not presently doing custom work to order, but she sold several, already-repainted model horses--Hartlands and other plastic horses--on eBay in March. Search for more with her eBay handle, "" The appaloosa Arab on eBay (#1124272921) ended March 24, but the picture may be archived there for a month. Thanks, Ellen, for bringing this to our attention. (3-20 & 3-30-01)
Note June 26, 2001: Ann Reynolds' new email address is

The palomino Five-Gaiter is part of the 9" series, called the "Heritage series."
This Tennessee Walker stallion is part of the 7" series, called the "Legacy series."
The Tennessee Walker mare has a darker body and lighter mane and tail than the stallion.
The Tennessee Walker foal is yet a third variation on the amber champagne color
New Hartland Models Benefit from Pearl White--The 2001, palomino 9" Five-Gaiter and 7" series Tennessee Walker family in amber champagne colors--mine arrived March 27--are well painted. The palomino is not too light or too dark, and seems to blend all the best colors one could hope to see in a palomino model. Each of the Tennessee Walkers has a slightly different color. The apparent, pearl white base coat on all of the models gives them a delicately magical beauty. They were also well packed, with plenty of bubble wrap!
According to the Hartland Collectibles ad in the March/April 2001 Horsing Around magazine, the next model on the horizon is the 7" series Tennessee Walker stallion in black, tobiano pinto, an edition of 500 to sell for $25 each plus shipping.
(3-30-01; photos added 4-7-01.)
Heat Is Bad for Hartland Models and Misused Information Is Bad for Collecting!
"Heat is useful for repositioning, but in general, heat is the enemy of plastic." --Gail Fitch, Hartland Horses and Riders, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Editions, 1991-1995, on about page 113.
If you think you've read the portion in bold somewhere else recently, be advised that a dishonest individual imitates the contents of my publications, sometimes even using my exact words, and failing to credit the source! Sometimes, this person repeats what I wrote, but misinterprets or misapplies it, also.
If you read something somewhere else that doesn't seem to make sense, you are certainly welcome to email your questions or concerns to me. After all, I "wrote the book" on Hartlands. The "Collector's Gallery" page of my web site now includes questions and answers, published with permission. I hate to see people publishing "wild guesses" about Hartland models, but failing to label them as guesses, not fact.
Getting back to the subject of plastic models, heat isn't good for any plastic models, but Hartlands, especially, suffer from high heat in summer in such places as attics and parked cars. Hartland models are mainly hollow, and the seams on acetate ("Tenite") models can pop open, resulting in what some collectors call "split seams" or "seam separation."
The seams don't seem to pop on styrene models, but the plastic softens, nonetheless, and they can get "melt marks" from being trapped in heat or bumped while the plastic is softened. Don't leave them outside in the hot sun, either.
(This article added 5-22-01.) ©2001 by Gail Fitch
Past Model Events
-- For Upcoming Shows, See the "News on Collecting" Page
April 7-8, 2001, in DesMoines, Iowa:
The Third Annual Iowa Horse Fair Live Model Horse Show will be held at the Iowa State Fairgrounds, with novice halter and performance classes on Saturday and intermediate and open halter and performance classes on Sunday. This is a NAMHSA show. An auction will also be held each day. Contact Carrie Kost,, (515) 233-9563.
April 21, 2001, in Bryant, Arkansas:
Another NAMSHA member show, The 2001 Razorback Roundup Model Horse Show will fit a full slate of classes (about 170) into one day. "Breyer, Peter Stone, Hartland, Grand Champions, etc." are specifically invited for the original finish, plastic halter classes. For this event in the gymnasium of the First United Methodist Church of Bryant, contact: Ruth Smith,, (501) 847-3004.
May 5, 2001, in Shipshewana, Indiana:
The Stone Horses Country Fair Live Show will be part of the Stone Horses Country Fair weekend in Amish country, where Stone Horses are made. The show includes a youth division with 24 classes, and an open division with 62 classes, all of which qualify for the North American Nationals (NAMSHA) show, plus an open collector's class. Contact Kerri Gehrmann,, (630) 262-8323 well before 9 p.m. central time.
Resins In the Works; Silver Sultan Expires in December 2001
Three Hartland Resins Are in the Works
Three, new resins by Hartland Collectibles were displayed at Jamboree. They are not available yet, but HC took deposits for the model of Walter. They will be sold through the HC web site, where there is a picture of the Walter model.
The real Walter and his owner, Don Blazer, author of Walter Spills the Oats, were at the Jamboree, and Walter "signed" books. Walter is a near-black Quarter Horse. The model by Sheryl Leisure depicts him trotting.
The other two resins, also sculpted by Sheryl Leisure, are SweetHart, a trotting stock mare, and Harts Afire, a trotting Arabian mare. The stock mare was pictured in Hartland Collectibles' ad in Horsing Around magazine, May/June 2001, on page 37. Pictures of all three appear on the back of the Jamboree program.
Denise of Hartland Collectibles said by email that they can't estimate when SweetHart or Harts Afire will arrive, but they expect "Walter" in anywhere from 6-18 weeks from the end of June. That would be mid-August, 2001, at the earliest, to mid-November, 2001, at the very latest.
It's June 7, 2002, and it now looks like the resins will NEVER be available. Alas!
Check the Hartland Collectibles web site -- -- for model sales.
The site has an events page, but it is blank, so finding out about shows selling the Hartland special has notbeen easy, either in 2001 or through early June 2002.
Models Left Over From '01 Jamboree
For at least a short time, some "Silver Sultan" and "Tom-Tom" Hartland models left over from the 2001 Jamboree
may be still available. Call Jamboree hostess Sheryl Leisure at her company, Horse-Power Graphics, Inc., from 9-5 M-F California time: (909) 446-0233. Besides those two Hartlands,"Cloud of Mist," the Peter Stone Pony (western type), in buckskin pinto, was still available, too.
SweetHart, the trotting stock (Quarter Horse) mare is another resin Hartland Collectibles plans to issue. This sample at Jamboree was photographed by Suzy Meathrell, (Copyright 2001 by Suzy Meathrell. Photographed with permission of Hartland Collectibles L.L.C.)

Harts Afire is the trotting Arabian mare resin planned by Hartland Collectibles. This sample was displayed at the 2001 Jamboree. Photo, courtesy of and copyright by Suzy Meathrell.
(See her delightful web site:

Silver Sultans vary a bit: Some
are smokier and some are warmer in color, like the one shown here. All
are dapple rose grey.

Tom-Tom (left) is
a tobiano, piebald
pinto/paint. All have the same pattern. Details include peach-colored hooves.
Spring to Fall 2001 & 2002 Calendar
Five new Hartland models in plastic were sold by Hartland Collectibles at the West Coast Model Horse Collector's Jamboree in Pomona, California, the weekend of June 22-23. The models, described to me by three collectors, including Suzy Meathrell, who did Jamboree pickup, and confirmed by Denise of Hartland Collectibles were:
1. The 9" woodcut Mustang in "chocolate bay," $32.
2. The 9" woodcut Mustang in dark gray pinto with pearled finish, $32.
3. 9" Polo Pony in "fleabit grey," $32. Denise said most were a medium shade, but a few were very light and very dark.
4. The 11" series Arab in pearl grey, $36.
5. The 11" series Arab in pearl black, $36.
The Regal Arab in pearl black (#5) is an open edition, but the other four are limited editions of 50. They were not sold out at the Jamboree, but many calls for them had come in by June 27. There may be a few left. Call Hartland Collectibles at 1-866-467-7399 (8-5 M-F Pacific Time).
Other Hartlands at Jamboree
Other Hartlands sold at Jamboree were: (1) "Silver Sultan," the show special model; and
(2) "Tom Tom," the 11" QH in black pinto, which had to be pre-ordered.
Participants in Carolyn Boydston's air brush seminar at Jamboree received a Hartland weanling foal "to practice on," according to Sheryl Leisure's Jamboree report on Haynet June 25.
(Those would be unpainted, white bodies perhaps molded in the early 1990s. The present Hartland company obtained unpainted bodies when it bought Hartland from Steven Mfg, last year. In addition, Hartland Collectibles has been molding models in plastic this year. Information on which models used old Steven bodies vs. newly-molded bodies was not available, but the company is reportedly keeping track of that. The plastic molding is taking place in the United States.)
Hartland Collectibles donated these test color models given away at Jamboree:
(1) a Chief Thunderbird, Indian set with a semi-rearing, bay pinto
(2) a Lady Jewel and Jade set in dapple buckskin
(3) a Regal [11" series] Arabian in dapple buckskin
(4) a Regal Arab in dapple pearl grey
( Items #1 & 2 were raffled, and #2 was won by Denise Hauck; #3 & 4 were, according to Sheryl Leisure, awarded to the overall champion and reserve in the "factory custom" division in the Jamboree's show.)
In addition, a special run of 50 models was produced as gifts for the show judges and Jamboree volunteers. The special model was the 9" woodcut Mustang in buckskin pinto. There were 29 with a white tail, given to the volunteers, and, in August, 21 with a black tail were sold through a drawing of Hartland company newsletter subscribers who mailed in a 3" x 5" card. [Portion in pink, added 9-14-01, from information in issue #2 of the company newsletter, The Hartland Courier.
Hartland's Silver Sultan, the 11" standing Arabian painted dapple rose grey, is a bit elusive.
He is Hartland's show special model for 2001, and only available from live shows that meet various Hartland company requirements, including buying a minimum of 24 models @ $22.50 each, and
pre-paying. Shows are not allowed to charge more than $45 for the model.
(If you can't attend one of these shows, you may be able to arrange for someone to pick up the model for you. You might also be able to buy a model by mail from the show holder after the show if some models are left.)
The first show to sell Silver Sultan was the Salt City Sizzler held in Syracuse, New York, on May 19. Show holder Elaine Boardway had a few left after the show, but by the end of June, they were sold.
The second show was the Jamboree Summer Challenge, June 22-23, in Pomona, California.
It had 75 entrants.
Upcoming Shows--I've heard from several show holders that they plan to have Silver Sultan at their show in 2001:
August 25, in El Cajun, California. Contact: Lyn Arnold, (
In September: Indian Nations Live in Dewey, Oklahoma, held by Cassie Hayes (
In November, another Lyn Arnold show.
November 3, 2001, in Bridgeville, (northern) California. Laurie Barnwell ( is hosting the Victorian Village Live show. Bridgeville is north of San Francisco and "south of Eureka by a tad," Laurie writes. The show packet is already available.
The classlist includes 12 divisions and 178 classes being judged in four rings. Judges include: Laurie Jo Jensen, Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig, Ronnie Marcum, Laura Pervier, and Alice Horton. It is a NAMHSA approved show, and proceeds will be donated to NAMHSA.
If you'd rather write than email, the address is: Laurie Barnwell, PO Box 7, Bridgeville, CA 95526. Also, check Laurie's web site -- for updates as the show approaches.
NEWS FLASH for Peter Stone fans:
"Space Pony," a special run of the Peter Stone Pony (English type) appeared at the International Collectible Exposition at the Stephens Convention Center in Rosemount, Illinois, June 30 and July 1. For details, see the Cord & Company web site,,
and the Expo's site:
Among the shows below, the ones that are underlined sold the Hartland Regal Arab, "Silver Sultan." Sources are a Hartland company announcement on Haynet, August 29 (message #80006), and the Special (BreyerFest) Edition of The Hobby Horse News (with THHN page numbers to see for more information).
Changes and last-minute additions on September 22, 2001:
Additions 9-28 and 10-11-2001 are in green. September shows were moved to the archive on
10-11-01. Updated 9-14 & 9-22 and 11-13-01.
September 2 in Jamestown, Pennsylvania--Pennsylvania September Classic--
Karen Bartholomew-Dietrich, p. 77
September 8 in Dunwoody, Georgia--Georgia Equine Miniaturists--Mona McGraw, p.36
September 8 in Dewey, Oklahoma--Indian Nations Live--Cassie Hayes, p. 77 & Haynet
September 13-16 in Grand Lake, Colorado--Rocky Mountain Rendezvous, p. 62
September 15-16 in Bristow, Virginia--Break a Leg Live Show--Shay Canfield, p. 27 &
Haynet: was rescheduled;
tentatively set for October 20-21. (Info from Denise Deen at HC).
September 22 in Yucaipa, California--Jamboree Benefit Show--
(Info from Heather Wells, Suzy Meathrell, Sheryl Leisure's Horse-Power Graphics mailing arriving
9-17-01, and Denise Deen at HC)
September 29 & 30 in Atlanta, Georgia--Blue Ridge Live--Mona McGraw--400+ classes, p.7
October 6 in Coconut Creek, Florida--South Florida Live--Susan M. Candelaria, p. 78
October 6 in Covington, Georgia--Southern Model Horse Convention--Laura Behning, p.78
October 6 in Avon, Indiana--Tiny Trotters Live--Debbie Moore, p.78
October 6 in Randolph, Wisconsin--Karen Meekma, W11953 Hwy. 33, Randolph, WI 53956;
920-326-5419; email (from Haynet and Denise at HC)
October 13 in Elkmont, Alabama, at The Saddle Rack--Pam Stamps; .
(From The Hartland Courier, Summer 2001 issue)
October 20-21 (tentatively), Break A Leg Live Show, Shay Canfield, to be held at the National Guard Armory in Warrenton, Virginia; email; call 703-205-8090; or see
October 27 in North Andover, Massachusetts--New England Model Horse Congress, p. 26
November 3 in Ferndale, California--Victorian Village Live--Lauri Barnwell, p.16 & Haynet &
farther down in this gallery
November 10 in Washington, Pennsylvania--GPMHS No Turkey Classic--Kelly Scotti, p. 29
November 10-11 in Lake Charles, Louisiana--Bayouland Live--Kim Janes, p. 77
December 1 in Monrovia, California--All Mini Show--Lisa Speer,
(From 10-9 post to at
December 1 in Elmhurst (Chicago area), Illinois--Valerie Sydor, (in THHN, Oct./Nov., page 36) THHN;
3 -- in Sweden
9 -- Tallahassee, Florida; Elbert, Colorado; and in Pennsylvania
9-10 in Pomona, California--Jamboree Benefit Show -- ;
and South Coast Classic (two different shows in southern California on the same weekend)
15-17 -- in Idaho
16 -- Randolph, Wisconsin; Fort Worth, Texas;and Orlando, Florida
16-17 --- in Oregon
1-2 -- in Missouri
2 -- East Dubuque, Iowa; Greenville, South Carolina (to benefit The Hobby Horse News);
El Cajun, California; and Carlsbad, California (for chinas only) --
9 -- Tomah, Wisconsin; in Pennsylvania
13-14 -- Pittsburg, Pennsylvania--Greater Pittsburg Model Horse Show (in THHN)
15-16 -- Bolingbrook, Illinois--Great Lakes Congress--(
15-17 -- in Maryland (might be an error with March 15-16 the actual dates)
16 -- Springfield, Oregon; Mountain City, Tennessee
16-17 -- in California
23 -- Pardeeville, Wisconsin; Albany, Oregon; in Indiana
23-24 -- California--High Desert Live; California--Gold Country; in Texas; in Colorado--MHE;
Savannah, Georgia--Savannah Benefit (for Leukemia) Live--(in THHN)
30 -- near Illinois-Iowa border
??? Sometime in March -- in Warren, Michigan--Motown Live--(in THHN)
6 -- Holden, Massachusetts
6-7 -- Hoskins, Nebraska
13-14 in Sewickley, Pennsylvania--Greater Pittsburg Model Horse Show--(in THHN)
19-20 --Madison, Wisconsin MIDWEST HORSE FAIR-- REAL HORSES!
20 -- Washington, D.C.
27 -- southern Florida; St. Paul, Minnesota--Breyer Tour Stop
18 & 19 --Show in Washington state will accept proxy bids for Hartland 7" TWH to be auctioned. See . Will also sell Hartland show special for $45 and will sell any models left over for that price plus shipping.

In April 2001, Hartland Collectibles released this 7" Tennessee Walker stallion in black pinto. It's a limited edition of 250. Upcoming models include three new shapes produced in resin: Walter, a near-black, trotting Quarter Horse gelding; SweetHart, a trotting Quarter Horse mare to be produced in buckskin and other colors; and Harts Afire, a trotting, Arabian mare.
(Added June 12, 2001; updated July 3.)
Artist Summer Frost travels the horse show circuit selling T-shirts with horse designs and the name of the show printed on the clothing. She offers realistic portrayals of many breeds, and beautiful, expressionistic designs like the one above for the Milwaukee Spring All Saddlebred, Morgan, and Hackney Horse Show, May 17-19, 2001. See
(Added June 12, 2001)
Models Rival Real Horses at Midwest Horse Fair, April 19-21, 2001

It was hard to say whether the real horses in the coliseum or the models in the vendor hall were more spectacular at the 2001 Midwest Horse Fair in Madison, Wisconsin.
Peter Stone, himself, who posed with me, autographed Stone models at the P.S. Cord & Company booth. Sandra Cord is in back. I bought an Arabian, but all of the Stone models were tempting.
Other vendors, including Bentley Sales Company, Happy Cayuse Collectables & Tack, and MAR Enterprises, sold Breyers, Hagen-Renakers, and other brands. (Hartland was not represented.)

The new Peter Stone Pony mold is about the height of "classic sized" horse models. This unpainted sample is the English (hunter) variation, with braided mane and tail. Cord & Company also sells the Visible Horse model kits.

High Standards, a company that makes both model and life-sized jumps, made its debut at the Horse Fair. Proprietor Terry Ann Heun sells complete jumps and individual parts so you can mix and match them. I was impressed by her creative designs. You can contact High Standards at: PO Box 270071, West Allis, WI 53227, call (414) 604-2457, or visit

Opal, the Peter Stone Arabian in iridescent (pearl) white with blue overtones, shone bright at the Cord & Company booth. Stone, Stallions USA, and Breyer models are sold at, the site for Cord & Company and Bentley Sales Company. Opal was only produced in the first half of 2001.
Horse Book Connected with Hartland Resin Model
If you liked the TV show, Mr. Ed, you may like the paperback book, Walter Spills the Oats by Don Blazer. Mr. Blazer has trained race horses and others, and writes a syndicated column on horses. His wife is a veterinarian. Walter Spills the Oats reads as fiction woven with horsemanship advice and bits of horse lore. In the book, Blazer has conversations with Walter. I won't say that Walter is lazy. However, in the course of the book, Walter aspires to several equine occupations from history or modern times, but after Blazer explains the effort involved, Walter decides he's better off as he is. Walter's claim to fame is not that he talks, but that he is average, an Everyhorse. Like Wilbur, the human star in Mr. Ed, Blazer always comes off as a little foolish next to his sensible horse. Walter Spills the Oats is suitable for reading aloud to children, but the advice is useful for all ages of horse lovers.
The connection between this book and Hartland models is that Hartland Collectibles L.L.C. is issuing a model of Walter (in resin, rather than plastic). Walter is a dark brown (near-black) Quarter Horse, and the new model by artist Sheryl Leisure depicts him trotting. A sample model of Walter debuted at the 2001 West Coast Model Horse Collector's Jamboree in southern California. The book has been available in some tack, pet, and book stores. Hartland Collectibles will sell the model from its web site. (This review was added June 8, 2001; last updated July 2.) As of June 7, 2002, it does not appear that the resin model of Walter will ever be issued. Article archived June 12, 2002.
Gail Fitch Has Two Published Books on Hartland.
So, Why Does She Write News About Them
(1) at This Site,
(2) in Hartland Model Equestrian News (her mailed newsletter)
(3) in articles in magazines such as Horsing Around Magazine?
I present news on the 2001 Hartland models, at this site and in my printed and mailed newsletter as a service to Hartland collectors and because I enjoy it. (I am a trained journalist. Companies disseminate marketing hype about themselves. I
translate their "news releases" into bona fide news. Facts, not hype. Facts are fair to both the company and the consumer. I also write reviews -- you'll read my praise of certain models.
The 2001 Hartland models were, at most, only a twinkle in someone's eye when my latest book, Hartland Horses and Dogs, went to press. I received the advance copy of my book in December. The book hit the stores in January. The first new models were available in February.
On August 14, 2000, a man called to say that he had bought Hartland from Steven Mfg., and to apologize to me about something. I think I was the first collector to be contacted. I passed the word on to two other people whose names are known in Hartland collecting. The following month, I was able to confirm (with Steven Mfg.) that the sale had actually taken place. (False rumors and sales that fall through are old hat for Hartland.)
According to my publisher's pre-set schedule, October 3 was the absolute deadline for changes in the book, and they could only be very small changes. News of the new company starting up came just in time. On October 3, I added a new last sentence to the history chapter.
The sentence directed readers to my web site for future news on the new company. I did not know, then, that in a few months, I'd start a new newsletter or write for Horsing Around Magazine. I could not refer people to the new company's web site because it did not have its own web site until November.
So, Hartland begins a new chapter. The 2001 models will appear in a future book edition.
Signed,Gail Fitch Hartland author since 1983 August 6, 2001; revised August 27 & 30 & November 13, 2001
Models for 2001
Pearled Finish Enhances Three of the Five June 2001 Specials
August 6, 2001--Hartland Collectibles L.L.C. produced five new models in June whose availability was not limited to an event. Three of them have already sold out.
The 11" series Arab in silvery grey with black points and front stockings (left) and 9" series Polo Pony in fleabit grey with aqua wraps (second from left ) were editions of 50 that debuted at Jamboree 2001, then were sold (and sold out) from the Hartland company web site.
Hartland Collectibles L.L.C. has not been referring to its models by number, but the company names for these two are "Regal Arabian, Silver Grey" and "Heritage Polo Pony, Fleabit Grey." The Polo Ponies varied from light to medium to dark. The one shown here is much darker than the white-bodied one at the company web site. Both were sold out before August 3.
The bay and dark gray pinto, rearing Mustangs (second photo from the right) were molded in white plastic from the woodcut Mustang mold. It's the first time woodcut Mustangs were issued since the early 1970s.
(About 1990, some test shots of woodcut Mustangs were done, though.) The smooth-surfaced Mustangs were made through 1994. The "Heritage Woodcut Mustang Chocolate Bay" is an edition of 50. (A Hartland company flyer I received 9-17-2001 listed the quantity as 100, so the quantity was evidently increased.) Some were still available when I checked the company web site August 31. [The company flyer I received 6-12-02 indicated that this dark bay Mustang was still available.] The "Heritage Woodcut Mustang Silver Black Pinto" (quite a long name) is a sold-out edition of 50. It appears very dark gray because that is the effect of apparent, pearled white paint underneath the black paint layer.
The "Regal Arabian Black Silver" (right) is pearl black with four white socks. (The company flyer I received 9-17-01 described this model as, "Regal Arabian Black Pearl," so they have evidently changed the names to use the word "pearl", rather than "silver" to denote that the paint contains tiny, metallic flecks.) It is not a limited edition, and may still be ordered. (In the photo, white areas on the face, neck, and body of the black Arabian are reflection.). [As of June 12, 2002, this black Arab is now an edition of 100, and pieces are still available.]