Hartland News Moves (Almost Exclusively)
to Publications
This web site has published Hartland model, model horse, and selected "horse culture" news and features since November 2000. Now, with slight exceptions, all of that that will appear ONLY in the printed and mailed publication.
From 2000-Summer 2007, the title was Hartland Model Equestrian News. The title changed slightly with the Fall 2007 issue.
It is not sold by subscription, but by the individual issue.
To get on the notification list, please email me: gfitch@tds.net.
Sales and advertising continue to appear online (and in the magazine). Your ad will have two ways to reach collectors.
-- Added: November 19, 2007
Sale of Old Steven Stock of Hartland Horses Begins
Paola Groeber, a former manufacturer and distributor of Hartland horses, began selling a large group of old stock of Hartland horses on March 17. The models were produced by Steven Mfg. Co, in the 1980s and 1990s, and are new in box. Paola called them, "show quality."
[See Paola's ad, complete with links to color photos, in the "Models for Sale" section of this web site; the sub-section is "For Sale by Collectors." ] -- March 18, 2007, around noon.
Estate Sale is Finished
The "Ketchuck Collection" estate sale of Hartland models was completed September 1, 2007, and is now achived. The Ketchuck family is still selling Breyer horses from the collection. They hope everyone is enjoying the models!
New Hartland Accessories Released
In late August, 2007, the Hartland company announced that two more Indian accessory sets are available: one set in black-and-white and one in brown-and-white. The previous release, a horse, was in January. Some horses produced in the 2000s and some old stock (by Steven Mfg.) of Hartland rider parts is still available, too. The Hartland western items are sold at www.hartlandcollectibles.com and through the Hartland Collectibles "store" on eBay (www.ebay.com).
-- Gail Fitch, September 15, 2007
Information About Barbaro
The Summer 2006 Hartland Model Equestrian News (Issue #10) includes information about Breyer & Barbaro that isn't found anywhere else. You can get all of Issue #10, or I will sell photocopies of the two pages relevant to Breyer & Barbaro for $2.75 if you pay with PayPal, $2.40 if you pay with a check. Those prices include shipping in a white, business-sized envelope.
-- Gail Fitch, 2-9-07; 4-7-07
Customs by Buzz Setzer
Three Hartland custom gunfighters by artist Buzz Setzer sold for over $400 each on eBay in June 2007.He also created a portrait model of the 2007 Kentucky Derby Winner, Street Sense, and his jockey, and said he said he can "take orders for copying all sorts of jockey silks." Article and pictures are in the Fall 2007 Model Equestrian.
—— November 22, 2007 ——
Hartland Repairs: A Sticky Issue, But Quality is Available

Buzz Setzer expertly replaced the lost braid on the Chief Brave Eagle
in the Ketchuck estate sale.
This is from page 180 in Hartland Model Equestrian News, July-August 2006.
This is a letter written to Buzz Setzer:
Your repairs are so good, they don't show.
...Up to this point, most repairs to Hartland paint have been crummy touch-ups, rather than quality restorations. So, Hartland repairs in general have a bad reputation that they deserve, which has, perhaps, influenced some sellers to deliberately misrepresent repaired pieces as originals. (Some sellers may not realize the pieces were repaired.)
The problem of some eBay sellers (of all types of things, not just Hartlands) not fully disclosing flaws/condition, in both words and pictures, is not going to go away. However, individual sellers build their own reputations, either good or bad, and word will get out, especially about the honest ones.
Everyone prefers an original in great condition, and most collectors would favor a beat-up original over a crummy repair. As it becomes more widely known that certain individuals can do great repairs, that will add another category to the thinking, and more collectors will opt for great repairs.
The cost of restoration makes sense for the rare characters. A beat-up original of a rare character can be the canvas for a quality restoration, so that might help the prices on them, too, which might, in turn, influence the shoddy retouchers to put down their paint brushes and sell their Hartlands in original condition. You never know.
About five or six years ago, I was invited to see a collection that the owner was thinking of selling. On inspection, I realized that more than half of his collection had been repaired or touched up, and the work was so bad that it was painful to look at. There were things such as a badly cast and attached replacement stirrup (larger than the original, not matching the color of the saddle, and with an obvious attachment point) and riders' shirts hand-painted with brush strokes showing and not really matching the original color.
I think he may have gotten the pieces after they had already been repaired, and they looked good to him that way. I pointed out, so tactfully as possible, that many of the pieces had been touched up or repaired. The owner asked whether that meant that they could not be sold. I said that it meant I'd have to say that they were repaired, and wouldn't be able to get the prices that original pieces would get.
I think he was hurt and disappointed. He changed his mind about selling the collection, and I haven't heard from him since.
There is a real need for what you are doing!
Gail Fitch, August 30, 2006

After the Indians got Buffalo Bill's hands, Doc Holiday gave him a Matt Dillon hand to tide him over. Then, Bill came to Buzz Setzer for some permanent healing. Buzz' first step was to remove the errant hand. Mr. Setzer then cast, attached, and painted both new hands for Buffalo Bill, and did a little touch up on the paint. (Photos by Buzz Setzer.)

James Garner as Maverick.
Artist Buzz Setzer cast a bust of Maverick
(left), and used part of it to restore this
Maverick (above), which was missing his
left ear and much of his nose after a brawl.
You'd never know it now!
Setzer has other Hartland repair and customizing projects in the works. More of them will be pictured at this web site, and in my next Hartland Model Equestrian News. Also see the "Community--Mail" page for Setzer customs.--Gail Fitch, September 1 & 6. 2006. Photos, copyright by Buzz Setzer. Contact Mr. Setzer at: bsetzer503@triad.rr.com

This is another Maverick that came to Buzz
Setzer for repair. It was "missing an ear, 1/4
of the nose, and had bad eyebrow rubs." The
solution was a head transplant, shown here
before being painted.

At the ready are replacement hands for Cheyenne, Hoby Gilman, and Bill Longley. (Hands, Maverick repair, and photos by Buzz Setzer.)

Above is Buzz Setzer's repair to a black, rifle-holed saddle. He cast the stirrup.
At right is the finished product. The new stirrup blends in.

Likewise, above is a Cochise saddle with the new stirrup ready for final sanding and paint.
Drying,above. Setzer wrote, "I finished making the mold for the stirrup on
Saturday (September 9), and finished the saddle Sunday night."

August 30, 2006--Artist Buzz Setzer enjoys creating new characters from existing Hartland models. Some are shown below in this page from the November-December 2005 Hartland Model Equestrian News. His full-page article describing the products he uses on his custom work, is on page 159 in the same issue.You can order the complete, 20-page magazine from me. To get in touch with Mr. Setzer, email bsetzer503@triad.rr.com or look for his custom models on eBay, where his ID is CnVtoys..

Artist Buzz Setzer made a rider of Vint Bonner (left), one of characters that Hartland had made only as a standing gunfighter. He painted Bonner in the TV character's "real" colors, as seen in a studio color still. In lieu of a Bonner hat, the figure is wearing a Bonner hat replica cast by Craig Blankenship. Setzer created a replica of Bonner's three-piece gun (above). It has an interchangeable longer barrel and a shorter barrel, and also a stock (handle extension).
Send for Summer 2007 Issue

What do They Have In Common?
August 16, 2007--What do President Andrew Jackson, Man O’ War, Wing Commander, Gwen Reardon, Hagen-Renaker, Hartland Western Champs, Lady Jewel and Jade, and reproduction Col. Mackenzie riders all have in common? They’re all mentioned or pictured in: The Summer 2007 issue of Hartland Model Equestrian News, Issue #12!
Themes of Issue #12 include:
1. MEN (who show, customize, or make parts for rider sets, etc.)
People DOING THINGS with models (besides collecting)
Saddlebreds – two ways to capture the Saddlebred world with models
4. On Hartland: ● new discoveries, and ● from the archives
The six guest writers in this issue include Peggy, Tammy, and Bob.
Great Stories ● Tips ● News and Nostalgia ● Fun ● 45 photos ● 24 pages
This issue is rated AHR (pronounced “R”) because of articles geared to:
A - Fanciers of any or all brands of model horses
H - People who think highly of horses, and may also like art, history, or travel
R - Hartland western / rider set collectors / admirer
Summer 2007 is $6.50 (including First Class postage)
PayPal: gfitch@tds.net
Check: Gail Fitch
1733 N. Cambridge Ave., #109
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Hagen-Renaker Re-releases Highly Prized 6-9” Ceramic Horses

As of June 23, 2007, no new Hartland models have been announced since January 2007. However, if you have money to spend and like china horses, models from certain of the old Hagen-Renaker molds are available through the Hagen-Renaker Collector’s Club magazine. Some of the models are being sold directly by Hagen-Renaker, Inc., while others are available only from certain distributors who advertised in the magazine.
Most of the molds mentioned below were not used for decades, and models from the original releases are hard to find and/or expensive, more expensive than these new releases of old molds.
Colors on the new releases are different from the originals. Names given to the models are often the original name. About one-half of the models are permanently attached to ceramic bases to stabilize them. None of the original-release models came on a base. Consult any of the Hagen-Renaker books for the original names and colors. There have been four different authors of H-R horse books. Two of them – Gayle Roller and Nancy Kelly -- have recent editions that are widely available from bookstores and online.
The following models may be ordered from Lucky Seven Enterprises, whose owner, Debra Kerr, publishes the HRCC magazine.
● The mini-sized, racking five-gaited Saddlebred, on a base, is available in five colors and four choices of ribbon color for $35. Lucky Seven is calling her “Magic.”
●● “Sheba,” the 7” action Arab Mare with head turned to the right, and “Ferseyn,” the 7 ¾” cantering Arab Stallion, are $200 each in nine different colors and $250 in dapple grey. Each model is attached to a base. (They are the same molds made in plastic by Breyer for its “Classic Arabian Family.”)
● “Comella,” the 6 ¼” tall standing Thoroughbred Mare on a base is $200 in eight different colors and $250 in dapple grey.
● “Zara,” the 6 ¾ “action Arab Mare with head turned to the left and two hooves touching down only at the toe, is $200 in each of eight colors and $250 in dapple grey. “Zara” is on a base.
● “Retro,” the abstract, prancing horse, on a base, is $80 and comes in blue, pink, yellow, and green.
These models are available only directly from Hagen-Renaker, Inc.
●●● Three molds of foals to accompany the 6-7” size Arabian adults are available in five colors, for $85 each. The foals are the “Lying [down] Fez,” head-up “Zilla” (standing), and chin-tucked “Sherif” (walking). The foals are free-standing, not on a base. (“Sherif” is the mold made in plastic by Breyer for its “Classic Arabian Family.”)
● “Sespe Violette,” the walking draft mare around 6 inches tall is available in four colors for $425 and dapple grey for $475. There is also a choice of four different ribbon colors. She is free-standing, not on a base.
● “Roan Lady,” the standing Tennessee Walker about 7” tall is $230. It comes in five colors and three choices of ribbon color. “Roan Lady” is free-standing.
●● The large “Zara” and “Zilla” Arabian Mare and Foal are each available in four colors, and are free-standing. “Zara” is $375 ($400 for dappled grey), and “Zilla” is $190 ($215 for dappled grey). These are the molds similar to the Breyer Proud Arabian Mare and Foal; Breyer copied from Hagen-Renaker.
Two other distributors are offering special H-R horses:
● The larger (8 ½”) Rearing Stallion, “Fez,” is $260 in six different colors, and $310 in dapple grey. They are free-standing, not on a base! “Fez” is available only from Ed or Sheri Alcorn.
●● A mini-sized action Pony stallion and foal, “Rocky” and “Stoney,” a limited run of 125, are $80 for the set, and available only from Marcia Minor. Their color appears to be light chestnut or dark palomino, which was apparently not a regular-run color for these recent molds. They are free-standing, not on a base.
(From Hagen-Renaker, Inc., the prices include domestic shipping and handling. From Lucky Seven Enterprises and the other distributors, shipping is extra.)
The current, regular line of Hagen-Renaker animals of all kinds (mostly 3 inches and under) is available from Lucky Seven Enterprises, and many other distributors as well.
To receive the Spring 2007 issue of Hagen-Renaker Collector’s Club with the full-color, illustrated ads for all of the above models, contact Debra Kerr, HRCC@lucky-seven.com or call (407) 568-3551. It is 32 pages.
--Gail Fitch, June 23, 2007
Horse and Horseless Project Model Horse Show

You can tell it's winter in Wisconsin (by the heavy coat, left). Greg Stebnitz (center) judged the open show at the annual Milwaukee Co. 4-H Horse and Horseless Project Model Horse Show January 14 in Oak Creek (near Milwaukee). Cheryl Paul judged the 4-H show simultaneously on the other side of the room. With the show 5/6ths done, collectors were starting to congregate and share laughs (upper right). The closest table holds entries in the Hartland horse collector class. To the right, most of the Hartland horse & rider class is visible. This year, performance classes were judged last, following the four halter divisions and the collector division. The four halter divisions were: original finish plastic, original finish china or resin, customized plastic, and customized china/resin. The show was NAHMSA approved, so 1st and 2nd place models can advance to the North American Nationals show.-- February 9, 2007
Wis. Tack Sale Feb. 24 Includes Models
Model horses and Hartland books will be among the items available at the Racine County 4-H Horse Project's 5th Annual Tack Sale on Saturday, February 24, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at J.I. Case High School, 7345 Hwy. 20, Racine, Wisconsin.
Used tack is the staple of the event, but I will bring both Hartland books and vintage model horses of many brands, plus a few Hartland riders. Professional vendors in attendance will include: A
Storybook Farm, Tony's Western Wear, Horse Emporium, and The Country Store (CPI).
-- GF, Feb. 17, 2007
Wisconsin Model Shows Slated
Greg Stebnitz will judge another model horse show Saturday, February 17, 2007, at Camp Sinawa in Valders, Manitowoc County, Wis. The Timberline Horsemen / Friends of Sinawa and Waushara Co. 4-H Model Horse Show includes 72 classes, both for youth and open to anyone, and a silent auction. Fees are $1.00 per entry per class, and the table fee is $25 ($15 for 1/2 table). Doors open at 7 a.m. and judging begins at 8:30 a.m.
The second show in the series is Saturday, March 24, at the same location. This show is 77 classes, with a larger collector division, including 12 Peter Stone classes, six Breyer classes, four Hartland classes, and one class each for North Light, Hagen-Renaker, Beswick/Royal Doulton, Lakeshore/Cheval/Lefton, and any other china/resin. NAHMSA approval is pending. Fees for this show are the same, but judging starts at 8 a.m.
For more information about either show, contact Greg Stebnitz, jstebnitz@lakefield.net, (920) 773-2331.
Painted Ponies Go To Kentucky
Life-sized and masterworks Trail of Painted Ponies will be exhibited at the Kentucky Horse Park this summer. This riotous intersection of art and the equine form has taken two collecting worlds by storm since 2003. The most widely available size of Painted Ponies models, about 6 inches tall, now appears in three basic shapes: standing stock type, cantering stock type, and cantering Arabian type. Smaller Ponies -- pins and ornaments -- are also available at the official, Painted Ponies web site: www.trailofpaintedponies.com .
Model Magazine from UK
The Model Horse Magazine, from England, is published in full color. Pages are about 6" x 8." To subscribe to this delightful magazine. see www.modelhorsemagazine.com.
Palomino Starts Off 2007 Hartland Line
The first Hartland model issued in 2007 was a Polo Pony in palomino with subtle dappling and medium green wraps. Called "Volant," it was an edition of 15.
Members of the 2006 Hartland Horses "club," who were contacted by mail in January 2007, were eligible to enter a drawing; the winners paid $50 for the model.
--GF, Feb. 17, 2006
Models Honor Barbaro
Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro lived eight months after his breakdown in the 2006 Maryland Preakness. Breyer and Ty, the Beanie Baby company, both issued Barbaro models in 2006. Many are now on the secondary market. For those who like Thoroughbred models, and are, perhaps, looking for some variety, don't forget the ones made by Hartland.
In addition to the Tinymite, 5", 7", and 9" series Thoroughbreds, one mold of 9" horses produced for the Hartland rider series in the 1950s and 1960s, the Standing/Walking horse, looks like a mature Thoroughbred, in its breeding years. There are five shape variations of this mold that were made in bay color, and one was issued with Hartland's 1950s Jockey! (The shape variations are different manes and tails. Hartland did that long before Peter Stone did.) All of these models were most commonly made in bay, and if you look at them just right, well, they could be the image of a champion.
Three bay Hartland "Thoroughbreds," all different, all 9", all Tenite (quality plastic), all in great condition are for sale at this web site and/or on eBay. They were already for sale last year. Two are from the Ketchuck estate (I'm selling for them), and one is a double from my own stable. On eBay, look for auctions by hartland_guru.
Breyer Has TWO Barbaro-Related Models
An article about Barbaro appeared in Issue #10 of Hartland Model Equestrian News, which I published in summer 2006. It includes information, such as on Breyer models, that you can't find anywhere else. My original research found two Breyer models connected to Barbaro. Read about it in Issue #10. I have only a few copies left, and they are on eBay. My seller name is: hartland_guru.
For Sale by Paola Groeber: Old Stock from Steven Mfg., 1980s-1990s
Chances are, the models pictured at the links below are all sold by now (October 2012),
but for answers to your questions about that,
contact Paola Groeber at: pgroeber@comcast.net
Editor's note: This sale was announced by Paola Groeber by email on March 17 (2007) at 9:21 p.m. Central Time. It is presented here with her permission. Before noon on March 18, some of the models have already sold out, as noted.
This is a list of links showing the different models- most in show quality condition that are for sale. They will ship from the MidWest and shipping will be calculated once we know what items you want. These are being sold on a first come, first basis. Payment can be made via PayPal, or money order. Once you let me know which ones you are interested in, I'll send an invoice once we know what the shipping charges will be. We will have to pack them first to get the weight, then shipping charges.
I will keep these available for 7 to 14 days, then the remaining ones will be placed on the group listing first, then they will go to eBay along with other sample models and bodies that are perfect for remakes. You get first choice, so please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions. We will try to respond as quickly as possible to all questions and all orders will be confirmed so your model choices are reserved. Thanks for looking these over - hope you find something you like.
1) Tennessee Walking Horse Family set. Package sample was for the 1994 catalog. Palomino Cream color. I'm told there are finger prints in the paint on the models. This set is: $4.95 for the set.
2) 1 set -Tennesee Walking Horse Family set. Package sample is in great condition from the 1994 catalog. Set is in the Palomino Cream color and my daughter could not see any defects on this set. $19.95/ea
4) 2 ea - Grazing Mare in Package Sample box from 1994 catalog. #221 Chestnut Flea Bit Rusty Grey. Lots of little speckles on these and paint coverage looks great. $34.95/ea
6) 1 ea - #219 Polo Pony Creamy Dun Sample Box from 1994 catalog. Sample tag is attached to the tail and daughter reports the tag has rubbed the tail paint. Otherwise the paint looks great on the rest of the model. Box has 219-05 printed on it as a sample number. This is the very first model of this Creamy Dun color. $34.95/ea
8) SOLD OUT 1 Set - #271 Liver Chestnut Arabian Family set in Sample Box from 1994 catalog. Sample tag is attached to the tail of the Mare. There is paint damage though to the Mare and Stallion. However, the foal looks fine and this is the only set that is marked as the sample used for the 1994 boxes. I'm not sure, but I don't think any of the Hartlands were actually shipped in these new boxes so they may be one of a kind. $9.95/set
10) 1 ea - #230 Chestnut Thoroughbred 1993-1994 in the 1994 catalog box. Sample tag is attached to the tail so there is a rub where the tag has been attached for the past 14 years. $34.95/ea
12) 1 ea - #224 Raven Black Arabian Stallion 1993-1994 in the 1994 sample catalog box. Sample tag is still attached to the tail so there is most likely a rub on the tail. Four white stockings. This is the only "Sample" in the 1994 box. $34.95/ea
14) 4 ea - #206 Grazing Mare in Dark Bay 1985 through 1988. These are in their original boxes and in mint condition. $24.95/ea
- - - - - - -
The following models were in the sample room since the early 1980's and there is a sticker label with the model number on the sample card. On the back of the card is a short story with a name for the model - they were the first sample run of these cards. The models are in Mint condition as these were painted with the older paint I used on the Hartland Collectables, Inc. models.
18) 2 ea - #229 Blue Roan Polo Pony Sample Boxes - label is over the number on the card in the package. $34.95/ea
20) 2 ea - #228 Leopard Appaloosa Polo Pony. Dappled front and appaloosa spotted rear, beautiful models in the mid 1980's package in mint condition. $34.95/ea
25) 2 ea - #246 Dapple Grey Arabian Stallion in mid-1980's package in mint condition. $34.95/ea
29) 2 ea - #243 Red Roan Saddlebred in mid-1980's package in mint condition. Model has two rear white stocks with natural color hooves. $34.95/ea
32) 1 ea - #244 Bay Saddlebred in mid-1980's package in mint condition. One front sock and one rear sock - same model I created and showed their people how to paint. Mint condition. $34.95.
35) 1 ea - #240 Chestnut Arabian Grazing Mare in mid-1980's package in mint condition. Four white socks with one hoof a natural color. Mint condition. $34.95.
38) 3 ea - #249 Dapple Grey Grazing Mare in mid-1980's package in mint condition. Four white stocks with all hoofs black in mint condition. $34.95/ea
41) 1 ea - #245 Chestnut Arabian Stallion, 2 hind socks with natural hooves. In mid-1980's package in mint condition. $34.95
44) 1 ea - #227 Sandy Bay Thoroughbred, 1 hind sock with all black hooves. In mid-1980's package in mint condition. $34.95
47) 2 ea - #248 Chestnut Pinto Rearing Mustang. Pink muzzle, one front hoof in pink and loin area shaded in pink (the way I taught them to paint this model). In mid-1980's package in mint condition. $34.95/ea
50) 1 ea - #247 Red Dun Rearing Mustang. In mid-1980's package in mint condition. $34.95.
- - - - - - - -
Champions Package - dated 1990 and collectible colored cards with the horses names/story on them. Clear Clam shell sample packages. All models are in mind condition, but some packages have yellowed with age. These models were still painted with the really good paint from the mid 1980's. Very few of these were actually shipped in the clam shell.
- - - - - - - -
53) 1 ea - #247 Flame's Dawn - Red Dun Rearing Mustang, plastic has yellowed some on this model. $34.95
56) SOLD OUT 2 ea - #228 Joker - VERY Dappled Red Roan Appaloosa Polo Pony. Models are mint, but package has yellowed some on both packages. $34.95/ea.
59) SOLD OUT 1 ea - 245 "Regal Air" - Chestnut Arabian Stallion- model is MINT and package is NOT yellowed. $34.95
62) 1 ea - 229 "Poco Go" - Blue Roan Polo Pony model is MINT, but package is yellowed. $34.95
65) 3 ea - #248 "Bold Review" - Chestnut Pinto Mustang - model is MINT 2 packages are NOT yellowed,
1 is yellowed. $34.95/ea
68) ONE LEFT 2 ea - #246 "Silver Wind" - Light Dapply Gray Arabian Stallion, model is MINT,
1 package is yellowed and 1 is NOT yellowed. $34.95/ea
71) 4 ea - #226 "Char'd Bars" - Charcoal Thoroughbred Stallion, model is MINT, all packages are clear and NOT yellowed. $34.95/ea
74) 3 ea - #224 "Fieldstone's Drive" - Bay Saddlebred, model is MINT, all packages are clear and NOT yellowed. $34.95/ea
77) ONE LEFT 2 ea - #240 "Copper Mist" - Chestnut Arabian Mare, models are in MINT condition,
1 package is yellowed, 1 is not. $34.95/ea.
80) SOLD OUT 1 ea - #243 "Scarlett Den" - Red Roan Saddlebred, model is in MINT condition and package is too - no yellowing. $34.95
83) 3 ea - #227 "Carmel Oats" - Sandy Bay Thoroughbred, model is in MINT condition. 2 packages are clear and 1 is yellowed. $34.95/ea