Grand Champions News
November 25, 2002--Regarding the Grand Champions brand of model horses: Mutiny Bay Enterprises will no longer handle customer service for Alpha International, the owner of Grand Champions. Mutiny Bay's final sale of Grand Champions horses is underway. Call 1-800-308-9211 or visit .
Equilocity 2003 - Same Time, Same Place as Breyerfest
Don't forget that Equilocity, the model horse event by the Peter Stone Company is the same weekend as BreyerFest and within about a mile of it. The Mariott Griffin Gate Hotel is the Equilocity headquarters. See
Model Horse Community News: October - Not Always Cheerful
November 3, 2003--With forest fires nearby, the Jamboree turned out to be more exciting than anyone expected. Participants awoke to find their cars covered with ashes. Relatives of mine who live 50 miles from the nearest fire also reported ashes on their cars and the southern California sun looking dark orange.
Both of the people who were doing Jamboree model pick up, Kat Jennings and Cassie Hayes, suceeded in their mission, and made it home even though roads were closed and progress was slow.
I read on Haynet that Gayle Roller lost her house trailer to the fire, but her (real) horse and dogs were unharmed. Gayle is author of books on Hagen-Renaker china animals.
Shirley Ketchuck
Earlier in October, a prominent model horse collector, Shirley Ketchuck of Endicott, New York, died unexpectedly. She contributed photos to my Hartland books, and also to Breyer books. She was a very nice person, and will be missed by many model horse friends and acquaintances. She was someone you could depend on.
A Reminder -- and Progress
Here's a quick reminder: I produce this web page -- and my more extensive, printed newsletter -- as news. I do it voluntarily and without compensation. I am not "schilling" for the Hartland company or anyone else.
From what I've seen and heard, the last two or three years have been slow for sales of model horses and other nonessentials. Atttendance at model horse events and travel in general has been down somewhat. It's a result of the slowed economy and, perhaps, some reshuffling of priorities since 9-11. However, frivolity still has its place, and, I'm glad that there are new products and events to report.
October 10, 2003; Added to on 10-13
Model Jamboree in Late October--
A major model horse event this fall is Jamboree, whose formal name is West Coast Model Horse Collector's Jamboree. Collectors will gather at the Fairplex in Pomona, (southern) California October 24-26. Friday night, there's a swap meet. On Saturday and Sunday, there will be a model show (judging meet), sale, and workshops during daytime (9-5) hours. There are fees for the workshops, and there's a show entry fee, but admission to the show and sale are free.
Saturday evening, from 6-8 pm, there's a reception with light refreshments, guest speakers, and a free raffle for Breyer models made explicitly for the Jamboree. (The raffle models are the Trotting Percheron mold in GLOSSY fleabitten grey.) A model auction follows at 8 p.m. The auction may include test color Breyer, Stone, Hartland, and Hagen-Renaker models, customized and vintage models, model tack, and equine art (books, prints, jewelry, etc.) Auction Admission is free, but the reception is $5.
Special Run Draft Horse Models
The Jamboree special run models for 2003 are mostly draft horses in keeping with the theme, "A Draft Horse Fair." Tickets for these models must be purchased in advance, and models must be picked up in person at Jamboree. The models are:
(1) Breyer trotting Percheron mare (mold sculpted by Donna Chaney) in MATTE fleabitten grey, named "Belle Fleur";
(2) Peter Stone standing draft horse stallion, with mane bobs, in sandy bay, named "Aslan";
(3) a trotting, resin-cast Belgian sculpture by Sheryl Leisure, called "Samuel";
(4) a set of five Hartland Tinymite (under 3" high) draft horses. These five Hartland Tinymites are all from the same, Belgian mold. The five colors are: black, grey, red roan, palomino, and bay.
The Tinymites were molded as test shots, so may have some surface flaws underneath their paint. They are limited to an edition of 50.
(If the above-mentioned Jamboree special run models are limited, their numbers are greater -- in the hundreds.)
Two Additional Models
As it turned out, the Hartland company sold a limited group of woodcut Mustangs in blue roan at the Jamboree. Tinymite draft horses in blue roan were also sold there.
(November 24, 2003)
November 10, 2003
Hi Gail:
I saw your book listed on another auction for $23.95, but I'd rather pay the extra knowing it's going to the author who put all the work into the book!...
Thank you for all your work, so collectors like me can see all that's out there!
Sinking Hoof Farm
Hartland Show Special: Polo Pony
A fifth special run model available at the Jamboree is not exclusive to the Jamboree. It is the Hartland Polo Pony in black overo pinto ("Black Tie"). "Black Tie" is the 2003 Hartland show special model, and was also available at two (or more) shows around the country earlier this year.
Hartland classes will be judged at Jamboree, and awards reportedly will include test models from Hartland.
Contest and Workshops
Jamboree events include a contest to decorate Breyer Clydesdale Stallions, which will be supplied, and a painting workshop that will use small-sized Hartlands (presumably, 7" series Tennessee walkers), which will be supplied. The painters will be instructed to sign their models so that they will not be mistaken, later, for factory work.
Jamboree Activities / Hotel Near Airport
The Jamboree site is the Fairplex in Pomona, California. The host hotel is the Sheraton Suites Fairplex, which is served by shuttle bus from the Ontario, Calif., airport. The hotel number is 909-622-2220. Special Jamboree rates expired October 10.
The major source for this article is a Jamboree flyer. For more information, model tickets, workshop registration, etc., call 909-446-0233 M-F from 9-5 Pacific Time or see .
Note: This is the 12th annual Jamboree. It is produced by Sheryl Leisure as as part of her business, Horse-Power Graphics. Inc. Sheryl is an equine artist, and since 2001, has painted the sample colors for the Hartland company's models. She previously did some work for the Breyer company, and her sketch of a horse appears on the Peter Stone boxes. The Jamboree celebrates all brands of model horses.
Jamboree Pickup: A Great Help
For those who want Jamboree special run models, but can't attend, the proceedure is to (1) buy the Jamboree model ticket(s), (2) engage someone to pick up the models and ship them to you; (3) send the tickets and other payment to the person doing pickup for you.
As the event approaches, it might be best to engage the pickup person first (by email), then buy the tickets by phone with a charge card, and have the tickets mailed to the pickup person -- and send the pickup fee by mail or PayPal.
Kat Jennings,
who lives in California, is willing to pick up and ship the Hartland Tinymites set for $5 postage and no other pickup charge. Her email address is: . She said she can give references. [Thank you, Kat, for the well packed Tinymites, and your thoughtfulness! Consider this a reference!
Cassie Hayes
will do Jamboree pickup. She has done this for years. Her fee is $13 per model; or $11 each for four or more models. I believe that includes shipping. She will also do pickup for people living overseas -- for $5 per model plus actual postage. For information, see Cassie Hayes' web site: . Her email is: . Cassie Hayes is a Breyer dealer. [Cassie picked up a model for me that was not advertised in advance. It was from a Jamboree vendor, rather than the Jamboree itself. Thank you Cassie. It was well packed and promptly shipped. 11-10-03]
(Also, thanks to three other nice people who offered to pick up the Hartland Tinymites for me!
It's Time for the 2003 Christmas Catalogs, Already
• Breyer horses occupy page 456 in the 2003 JCPenney Christmas catalog. The models are:
• The Khemosabi Arabian mold, grey, in Christmas costume Stirrup ornament containing a miniature of the above model Jumper with fence in black pinto as National Velvet's Pie, sold with the paperback novel by Enid Bagnold
• John Henry mold in bay as Seabiscuit, with male rider doll as jockey George Wolfe wearing Charles Howard's stable colors. (Actually, Seabiscuit's main jockey was Red Pollard.)
• Running Stallion and Cantering Stock Foal in bay overo pinto, the "Great Spirit III" set.
• Spanish Barb stallion "Leandro," sculpture by Kathleen Moody, in resin on a base. Horse is dapple grey; edition is limited to 1,000 pieces.
• A truck, horse trailer, horse, and vet set. The horse is a jogging stock mare in bay. The girl doll is dressed as a veterinarian.
• A wooden stable and fencing set
For JCPenney ordering information, visit a store, call 1-800-222-6161 or visit .
The Leanin' Tree 2003 catalog of greeting cards includes many holiday cards with horses or other animals.
See or call 1-800-525-0656.
( This article added 10-13-03)
More Shopping Ideas -- November 10, 2003
Windstone Editions includes four unicorns and four pegasi, along with friendly dragons and other animals. Windstone Editions are made of resin and attractively painted. They date back some eight years or so. One dealer is Happy Cayuse Collectibles in Burlington, Wis.: (414) 767-9819.
The Schleich World of Knights series consists of four horse and rider figures in armour and 14 standing warriors, each with a different weapon. They are a heavy, almost rubber-like plastic, with detailed paint jobs. The mounted figures are about 6" high. The riders can dismount, but the tack is molded to the horse. Happy Cayuse Collectibles (see above) sells them. Look for them in hobby and toy stores.
The Franklin Mint is selling a replica of a Wells Fargo stage coach and four horses. The coach is purchased separately from the horses, which come affixed to a base 25"long and 7" wide. Each horse is about 5" high and in a different pose and color.
The artist did a good job of portraying different equine personalities; in this case, impatient, alert, panicky, and placid. It's your typical stage coach team, or maybe this sounds like the people you work with.
The stage coach is $39 for each of five monthly payments, plus $10 shipping. The horses are $39 for five months plus $6 shipping.
Breyer horses are sold in The Fort Western Outpost catalog, pages 22 & 23, along with resin sculptures of two brands: Western Heritage (a horse with cowboy) and Montana Lifestyle Sculptures (seven sculptures of horses and/or kids plus a bucking bull). They also sell western attire, horse-decorated bedspreads, and more in this 132-page Holiday 2003 catalog. The phone number is: 1-800-556-3678.
The Basil Street Gallery catalog of wall decor and decorative arts includes a resin sculpture of a draft horse head in harness. It's a replica of an original, English sculpture by an unknown artist. The finish is faux bronze. See or call 1-800-525-9661 for the 56-page catalog.
Stone Offers Show Specials
At the Peach State Live (Model) Show in Buford, Georgia, November 22, the Palouse horse mold in blue roan pinto will be available. The model's name is Blue Peaches.
Stone Horses will have a booth at the Jamboree. A special run only available at the Jamboree is the standing draft mare in sandy bay, "Lucy." Limited to 100 pieces, "Lucy" is the complement to "Aslan," the sandy bay draft stallion that is a special run of the Jamboree itself. "Lucy" can be reserved by ordering before October 18, but preordering is not required. The model must be picked up at Jamboree. Any models remaining will be sold from the Stone Horses Direct web site. -- 10-13-03
Haunted Horse for Halloween
The Peter Stone special run, October"E-horse" is the Weanling Foal in a choice of two pinto colors: Glossy Metallic Orange and Matte Black. The pattern on each Weanling is different, but they both have the same name: "Haunted." Orders will be taken until Oct. 30 with delivery by the third week of November, at the latest. You can see them at in the e-horse category. Sign up for the Peter Stone e-mail list to be notified of future e-horses.
The Stone web site includes the classlist for the Stone Henge Live Show Series, which is open to all brands of models. See . -- October 13, 2003
There Are "Movie Horses"...
The Animation Show, which is a hit with the art school set, includes a brief segment with Schleich and Safari model horses. They appear in or shortly after the "Intermission." The Animation show is scheduled for Fargo, October 10-16; Youngstown, Oct. 10-17; Chicago, Oct. 17-23; Durham, Oct. 24-30, and Indianapolis, Nov. 7-13. For complete theatre listings, see .
The Seabiscuit Movie opens in Theatres Friday, July 25! The Seabiscuit movie is so good as its advance publicity. A lot of gray- or white-haired people were in the theatre audience on the evening we saw it. That's usually a good recommendation, and it held true this time.
Some reviewers gave it a three on a scale of four. I give it a three-and-a half. It had an excellent book as its basis: Seabiscuit: An American Legend by Laura Hillenbrand (Random House, 2001).
I read the book two years ago. You can borrow it from the public library. If you want a "Seabiscuit" souvenir, there are some cheesy ones out there. Instead, I recommend that you buy the book -- or the tape of the PBS documentary!
Added August 4, 2003; added to 8-6-03
...Where You Least Expect Them
In the feature film, Lost in Translation, Scarlett Johannson tells Bill Murray that the typical young woman goes through a writing phase and a photography phase just as she once went through a horse phase.
(Well, for some of us, these phases are permanent and concurrent!)
October 13, 2003

The Washington County (Wis.) Fair has a 4-H model horse show. Baking, woodworking, and photography aren't the only things judged indoors at county fairs these days.Here, judge Carol Boettcher (center) explainedthe placings in a western pleasure class. The show was July 30. I loved the balloons.
Added August 4, 2003; added to 8-6-03

The Trail of Painted Ponies models in resin and porcelain, 6"high, are about $20-$25 each, and very artisticly painted on two horse shapes with impressionistic conformation. See eBay. There is also a book picturing the life-sized models that the 6" models are patterned after. The Ponies and books may be purchased online and in some Hallmark gift shops.
(Photo added 10-13-03)
New Model Horse Offering - Enesco has a new series of horse breeds on bases, made by Border Fine Arts. They are generally under $40 and sellers includeFarm & Fleet stores.
Summer 2003 Hartland Horses
Hartland hasn't issued much for horse or western collectors this year, but a new 7" series Tennessee Walker family, in chocolate bay, is slated for early August. (It was at the web site today, August 6, 2003.)
It will be an edition of only 50, as many of the Hartland models from Hartland Collectibles, L.L.C., have been since this fifth Hartland horse company began production in 2001. See
In July, the "Hartland Seabiscuit" model appeared on eBay. One seller described it as porcelain, but it is resin. It looked maybe six or eight inches high in the pictures, but it actually measures 3.5" high (that's three and one-half inches high) by 5.75" long.
It was made in China. In my opinion, the artistry is nothing like Hartland artistry. I saw one that had lumps that were not smoothed over, but were just painted over the lumps.
I think the sculptor didn't know much about how horses are shaped or how horses move. Instead of a galloping Thoroughbred, this horse's pose looks more like a flying trot, but it's not that, either. I guess in China, they don't know the difference between harness racing and Thoroughbred racing.
Save your money for nicer souvenirs of Seabiscuit. Breyer has made some.
(Added 10-13-03)
2003: The Year of Seabiscuit - Horse of the People..and More
The PBS documentary on Seabiscuit, the late 1930s race horse that became a national hero, aired April 21. It was one of the finest hours on television. Related, coming events include:
April 27 -- Washington Post Magazine will have an interview with bestselling, Seabiscuit author Laura Hillenbrand and pictures of her home.
June 3 -- Release of oversized, special edition of Seabiscuit: An American Legend, with 150 rare photos. (The original edition came out just over two years ago.)
Coming Soon -- People magazine with article on Laura Hillenbrand
June 7 -- Belmont Stakes, the final leg of the Triple Crown. Funny Cide won the first two legs of the Triple Crown, but not the Belmont.
July 25 -- Movie on Seabiscuit opens in theatres. The movie is by Universal / DreamWorks / Spyglass Entertainment.
For information on the PBS documentary -- copies of it can be ordered -- see
This information came by email from Breyer. (Thank you, Breyer.) Announcements of Seabiscuit events are found at
Added April 24, 2003; added to May 27, 2003
Major Model Horse Expos for 2003
See for news of BreyerFest, the last weekend in July in Lexington, Kentucky. Equilocity, the event hosted by the Peter Stone Company, is the same week, and also in Lexington. See .
The North American Nationals Model Show this year was cancelled due to a financial scandal. [Model horsedom strives for reality. Well, it's now imitating the "real world" in this additional, unwanted way.]
The West Coast Model Horse Collector's Jamboree is October 24-26 in Pomona, California. The special Jamboree models are the Breyer Percheron mold in grey, Hartland Polo Pony in black pinto, and a trotting resin Belgian sculpted by Sheryl Leisure. See .
[Added June 16, 2003; Breyerfest and Kentucky Horse Park information were added to News Archive Page 4 on 8-6-03]

Well, you never know what will turn up! This black horse is an apparent copy of the Breyer Stock Gelding! This model is close to, if not exactly the same size as, the Breyer (around 8" tall). It is not a repainted Breyer: It was molded with rough seams, and is relatively hollow (judging by the light weight and the sound of something rolling around inside it). It is made of plastic, but not cellulose acetate ("Tenite"), and not styrene. It has a synthetic mane and tail. The saddle and breastcollar are by Breyer. A saddle like this came to me from a flea market in the mid-1980s. I bought my first model of the Breyer Stock Gelding mold in 1975. There is no maker's mark on this model. Have you seen one like it?
[Added May 12, 2003].
Time to Accessorize.....and a New Indian Horse
Hartland is issuing the accessories for Chief Thunderbird (but not the rider or horse). The color schemes are different from those of all previous releases of Chief Thunderbird.
The saddle, which may also be used with Chief Brave Eagle, is $15. The other accessories -- headdress, spear, tomahawk, and knife -- are being sold as a group for $30. Considering that the circa 1960 rider sets sold for $4, and the early 1990s re-released sets sold for $40, it seems a bit much to be paying $45 plus shipping for just the accessories.
The rifle hole saddle in black and brown has been available for a year. Other than those saddles and the Indian parts, the company apparently has no plans to issue any other accessories -- or any rider sets. Too bad.
Peter Stone presents a new mold, and by coincidence, it is an Indian horse: the Palouse horse. The Palouse horse was one of the strains that contributed to the Appaloosa breed. It was more slender and graceful than most Appaloosas are today. The model has a natural mane and tail and depicts a smooth trot. The Palouse model on the cover of the Winter 2002 Stone newsletter is dark bay with light spots on the rump. The sculptor was Kitty Cantrell, who has also sculpted models for Breyer.
[Added May 27, 2003]
Artists Converge at Midwest Horse Fair.
April 20, 2003--The Midwest Horse Fair, held each April for the last 24 years in Madison, Wisconsin, is a great showcase for the horse industry. I believe it was the first of its kind in the United States. Similar events are held in Minnesota, Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky, Seattle, and elsewhere, but there's just something about Wisconsin. Friendliness. Genuineness. Forty-six different breeds were presented April 11-13, 2003, with background music and narration on the history and characteristics of each breed. There were special presentations, breed associations handing out literature, and hundreds of vendors. I was impressed by the products of the artists and others whose cards appear on this page.

Sundial Creations sells paintings of horses, including painted T-shirts. Their email address is: E-n-H Enterprises sells T-shirts, blankets, and jackets with horse images. Their number is 262-495-2344. Attractive horse-themed jewelry was among the items sold by Harmony Hill Studio. Call them toll free at 1-888-634-6364. Artist Julie Sarton creates wonderful commissioned portraits of horses. You can email her at or call 262-248-7650. Artist Jaime Martin does both commission and original artwork. Her business card features a dressage portrait. She lives in Minnesota. Call her at (507) 454-1919. I was impressed by the equine art painted on T-shirts by Pony Tail Studio, phone number 920-864-2242. Horse'n Around was one of at least six vendors selling model horses. Their prices on vintage models were reasonable. Call 715-386-6539. All of these businesses, including two tack shops and a riding stable, are in Great Lakes states, mostly in Wisconsin. My favorite breed at the show? Once again, I have to say it was the Icelandic horses! In the Icelandic group, some riders were from Germany and Iceland. As the narrator said, to keep the breed pure, no horses may be imported into Iceland, and once Icelandic horses leave the country, they can never return. Some of them now live in Wisconsin. For information on the spectacular, 2004 Midwest Horse Fair, see or call 920-623-5515.
[Updated April 25, 2003]
Good News for the New Year: Prices Lowered on Hartlands!
January 9, 2003--Collectors rejoice! Prices have just gone down on new models from Hartland Collectibles L.L.C., according to an order form I received yesterday. The number of different colors available in each mold are
• 11" Arabs -- 5 colors
• 11" QHs/Apps/Paints -- 1color
• 9" TWHs -- 4 colors
• 9" 5-G ASBs -- 4 colors
• Polo Ponies -- 3 colors
• Mustangs (wc) -- 1 color
• 7" TWH families -- 2 colors
• 7" TWH Stallions -- 2 colors
• Saddles -- 2 colors
• Gunfighter (does not ride) -- 1 color (unpainted)
Here is the current list of available models and their prices, with some descriptions slightly shortened and/or standardized to conform with usage in my book Hartland Horses and Dogs.
9" series Tennessee Walker (woodcuts):
Black, Copper Chestnut, and Blue Roan -- $30 each
Dapple Grey, 2001 Holiday special model -- $38
9" series Five-Gaiters:
Caramel Bay (dappled), and Rose Grey (dappled) -- $29 each
Pearl Grey (dappled), which is the 2002 Holiday model available only until 1-31-03, and Palomino -- $30 each
Polo Ponies (9" series):
Dapple Grey w/white leg wraps, Palomino w/white leg wraps, and Black Appaloosa (pearled) -- $29 each
Rearing Mustang woodcut (9" series):
Chocolate Bay -- $27
7" series Tennessee Walker Families (Stallion, Mare, & Foal):
Amber Champagne and Buckskin -- $38 for each family set
7" series Tennessee Walker Stallions:
Dapple Grey and Black Pinto -- $20 each
Saddle (with rifle hole) for 9" series Western Rider Sets:
Brown and Black -- $20 each
Standing Gunfighter (body & arms, in unpainted white):
Wyatt Earp shape -- $20
Revised 1-13-03 and 2-3-03
Note - Hartland's mailing address changed January 1 to:
Hartland Horses
34428 Yucaipa Blvd. #E119
Yucaipa, CA 92399

January 13, 2003--A judge of Arabian horses (left) chose the winners at the Milwaukee County 4-H and Open Model Horse Show in Oak Creek, Wis., January 4. Char Ehlert (center) hosted the show. The gentleman at right assisted the judge.

Animal Ink produced this wonderful mouse
pad. Contact them at (631) 345-3535 (phone),
(631) 345-0841 (fax), or write:
Animal Ink, 3661 Horseblock Rd.,
Medford, NY 11763.
December 17, 2002--
Imagine my surprise when I walked into a Farm & Fleet store and saw Peter Stone models! The Peter Stone Pebbles series Paint horse is only $7. Their price was only $35. It turns out that Stone has created a line of models for general retail stores such as Farm & Fleet and Tractor Supply, according to the Stone ad in The Hobby Horse News, Dec. 2002/Jan 2003, page 42.
Breyers, Barbie horses, and other toy horses often show up in many stores, but Stones are rare! The $35 line consists of an Arabian, standing Quarter Horse, western pleasure horse, English pony, trotting drafter, and a Thoroughbred -- one color of each. The colors are less complicated than some of the higher-priced versions, but are still nice.
The Pebbles series cantering stock horses were there in palomino, appaloosa, and paint, and were priced under $7! Now, if we could only walk in and find Hartland horses in stores again....
Sculptor Sheryl Leisure to Issue Horses Including "Walter" Resin
Remember "Walter" and the other resin horses that were announced in spring 2001? Well, now their sculptor, Sheryl Lesiure, is issuing them, instead of Hartland Collectibles. "Walter," the subject of story books, is now available for $65. The "Walter" mold, in four other colors besides very dark bay, was available for Christmas 2002, as Sheryl said.
Then, her cantering Friesian will be next, issued not just in black, but also in four other colors. A trotting Arabian, a jogging stock horse mare, and an action cow horse will follow. Equine wall art -- a running mare and foal -- is planned, too. (See page 37 in Horsing Around magazine, September/October 2002.) Sheryl will issue these resin horses under the name, Horse Country Collectibles.
Pictures may be seen at .
Sheryl has a lot of experience in painting model horses. She designs the colors -- creates the sample models -- for Hartland Collectibles. (When I suggested glossy colors, she said the added expense and work would make glossy models unlikely to appear in the Hartland line in the near future.) In the past, she has done work for both the Breyer and Peter Stone companies. She said she specializes in realistic colors.
It looks to me like she is also good at capturing the character of individual horses -- and breeds and equine action -- in sculpture. Her resin models essentially represent a new line of model horses. There are many resin artists these days, but these models are reasonably priced and should be something to look forward to. (Added 9/9 & 9/10/02; based on my phone interview with Sheryl Leisure and added to on 10/9/02. Changed to past tense on 1-1-03)
Horse Tapes: A Delight
If you're thinking of buying a horse for yourself or your child and have little experience with horses, So You Want to Own A Horse can help. In 36 minutes, it illustrates a variety of horse sports and breeds, riding lessons in progress, and a vet exam. It describes the basic pitfalls in buying a horse, and how to avoid them.
In Littlehorse's Wish, a foal daydreams about his future. This video especially appeals to small children, but is 17 minutes of fun for all ages.
All grown up now, Littlehorse is a Saddlebred gelding named Arnold Schwarzendeker, and he still lives in Wisconsin
Both videos were filmed on location at horse shows and horse farms in southeastern Wisconsin, the land of many fine horses. Both
are by Worldprop Productions, with music by Johann Strauss.
To order, send check or money order to:
Celedon Productions
PO Box 124
Pewaukee, WI 53072
So You Want to Own a Horse is $20 plus $5 shipping & handling.
Littlehorse's Wish is $10 plus shipping & handling.
Tax is included. There is a volume discount for orders of 10 or more.
Hartland Collectibles L.L.C. is at
Horsing Around Magazine is at
2003: Model Get-Togethers Continue
Show information may be garnered from several sources, including:
1. The Hobby Horse News -- ; ;
The Hobby Horse News,
14 Garraux St., Greenville, SC 29609.
Note: Each issue of THHN includes a show calendar in the centerfold.
2. The Peter Stone Horses web site (
3. GreatLakesCongress --
4. California-Model-Horse --
5. Haynet -- .
6. Other yahoogroups devoted exclusively to listing model horse shows.
7. For questions on NAMSHA member shows, contact Sharon Hill at .
Last Edited January 23, 2002 and 1-1-03; shows archived 3-26-02, 5-13-02, and 6-7-02